
12 October 2009

Lumesajus / In the Rain of Snow

This is how it goes that my mind goes into the mode of "speak Estonian now". Cause this is what the other people do around me.

Still, some things cannot be understood by some of you unless I write them down in English. And also this is the connection with the World I am part of. This language reminds me the time I have been there.

It is here too, the World. It is just different.
Waves of life I have lived here swipe over me. I just have to go along, cause I am water. I dissolve. And still, I am. If I let my heart speak, it is not hard. It is as it is. Game of life, different scenes around.
As I have seen it from aside, it looks new and interesting, it makes more sense. And I make more sense too.
The place and culture space where we grow up, shapes our understanding and view to the World. It gives us like glasses to look through. We see as much the glasses are transparent, maybe coloured, maybe framed...
And then, when we go somewhere else, we see that people are wearing different glasses over there!
Sometimes this gives us a chance to get rid of glasses too. It makes us realize what is what. That everything just IS. Usually we judge and create an opinion. But there is another way too, and this way can be surprising.
And this way has its own steps and turns and mists and stop signs. Still, it goes, changes and moves you and you will never return.

Fire is the same, here or there.
That is why it is so great to lit it over here. To sit with it with my brother in his high-ceiling'ed home. Feeling Estonian life around. Being so with the fire still, that there is no difference in places. I just am. Here.

First sight gives a feeling that life is not so easy in Estonia. That there is not an option to just find things from the streets...., so you have to go and buy. I will see. I am looking for all the other options, manifestation and luck. I have been trained to find what I need. I trust that this will happen here too. Cause maybe there is not much I really need and there is less that I want.

Yes, it is raining snow.
It is raining something white over brown and grey.
And shower is in the corridor...

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Steps on the planet Earth