
05 October 2012

Life in Wide Lands

Hello Dear Friends who still find their way here!

I now announce that there is a new website for the things that are present for me and my family.
The page is in the process and becoming more whole with each day. Right now it is mostly in Estonian, but the English part will be launched soon as well.
Marian, Laurits, Mihkel - Avarmaa 2012

My family - with this I mean my partner Mihkel, my son Laurits and also my brother Sander. As Sander is doing a lot and living here and there, his input right now is more spiritual than earthy. But we work as united force and we shall see where it takes us.

In the centre of our doings there is a place on Earth - Avarmaa (Widelands). It is our land to work with and it is located in the middle of Estonia. We grow with the land and it gives us much wisdom and insight and also space to create.

Friends who want to come over, are warmly welcome.

I am thrilled that I some of the friends that I met during the travel, have found their way here already!
I name them here - Emily (Canada/Sweden), Dylan (Canada) and just few days ago I saw Maritza (Mexico) sitting here in my couch!

Avarmaa tipi - view to the East
We are brainstorming to create an event next summer here in Avarmaa, so that you will have a reason to come to Estonia and get inspiration and sense of meaning in life.

So, to be updated with our information, check out from time to time and lets see each other when the right time comes!

26 February 2012


What happens now is part of the connections and butterfly-effects and sync.
I observe that people are making a choice to eat raw-food-fruits.
I feel it works and it gives new perspectives and chances to change. This takes courage.

I met permaculture on my travels. Now I really meet it here too. Thank You all, who talked and worked with it. The seed is starting to grow!

My Canada came to visit me - Dylan from Victoria and good-old-Freyja-times came from Sweden and made good food, started to build a bird-feeder and sparked us with some good canadian-activism. Thank you much!

Emily sent me The Dolphin.
Dolphins are swimming around. Ocean in my heart. Even in inlands.

I have smelt the spring. I am sure it comes.

And 2012 is here. As I thought that it will happen by this time - I do have a child.

This travel continues to teach me.

Whoever is there - there is a meaning in every act, in every word that resonates with You.

There is nothing more important than this sentence :D

12 November 2011

Reisiõhtu pildimeenutus - pictures from the TravelStoryNight

Here we are. Now. October 2011. 3 years from the beginning of the Travel. Story is told.

01 November 2011


Rainer Nõlvak, "Teeme Ära" ja "Let's Do it World'i" eestvedaja, räägib oma kogemusest, inspiratsioonist, maailma muutumisest ja igaühe panusest selles!


25 October 2011

Kokkuvõte, soe ja jagamine.

Nii vajalik on teha kokkuvõtteid.
Meie jutustus Sandriga oma rännust sai esmakordselt täispikkuses välja räägitud. Me polnud ise ka seda kunagi nii teinud ja kogemus oli suur. Läksin koju justkui oleksin tulnud pikalt rännult, kus kõik ümber on uus ja kus mõte on avar ja piiritu.

Internaadi saal osutus ütlemata mõnusaks ja hubaseks ruumiks, kuhu mahtus just parasjagu inimesi. Mõnus oli näha oma klassijuhatajat, vanavanemaid, pere, sõpru Tartust ja Tallinnast, lapsepõlvesõpru ja teisi inimesi, keda meie ränd kokku kutsus.

Polnudki küsimust, mida rääkida - kõike, mis parasjagu pinnale ujus. Muidugi oli vaja paljut ka ütlemata jätta, sest ühte aastat paari tunni sisse on ikka päris kunsttükk mahutada. Tasakaalustasime Sandriga teineteist, et tervikpilt oleks nii detailne kui ka ülevaatlik.

Minu jaoks oli murdepunktiks see, kui rääkisin Kanada purjetamissuvest. Laulsin ka "Leiulaulu", olles ise üllatunud, kui hea tunne seda teha oli. Jutustasin, mida tegime paadiga ja sellest, et jätsin oma tagasilennupileti kasutamata ... ja siis ühtäkki avastasin end pisarates.
Tundsin, kuidas terve ruum oli minu kurbuse tunnet täis. Inimesed tundsid ka.
Võtsin end kokku ja laulsin meremehelaulu "Haul away Joe", mida Ty mulle õpetas.
See tõi mind kohale, rahustas, ja lubas jätkata.

Isegi kui on kurbust, on nii hea seda kogeda - see on tugev, see on midagi, mis liigutab.

Palju on õppida sellest, mis on siin, Eestimaal.
Ja ema ütles, et kui ütlesin, et lähen Ameerikasse, ei arvanud, et olen hull. Aga kui ütlesin, et tulen Rakkesse, mõtles ta küll, et olen hull.

Järgmine hullus - eks see olegi minekurada. Hullus = hirm?

Aitäh kõigile,
kes on kaasa mõelnud,
seda praegu teevad
või kes kunagi siia satuvad.

Üks reis
võib olla terve elu.

A thought is a travel.

While being at home, 
while waiting for Laurits to fall asleep
I can travel.

I can see you in your dreams,
I can see the world unseen.

Energy has no boundaries and
if you learn how to see 
with the eyes of energy,
there are no limits at all.

So you,
mother at home,
even you have all the chance
to see and feel
what is there
outside of your small world
of a growing child.

27 June 2011

Life goes on.

We still travel on our paths.

Marian is now here:

Sander mostly here:

World is being created. Every breath. Every thought.

Think well!

Steps on the planet Earth