
16 September 2009

Visual moments of this Summer

Now when the days give us more rain again in here, Victoria BC, 
it is great to look back to the summer. 
It also means saying goodbye to lots of people and places. 
Lessons of letting go.

This is a brief glance here, more photos will be somewhere soon enough. 

Fire is burning in the fireplace and tea is smelling good...

M6ned pildihetked sellest suvest.
Nyyd kui p2evades on rohkem vihma ja s6brad asuvad r2nnuteile, on minuni j6udnud j22dvustused, mida saan teiega jagada.

Vast tuleb neid rohkemgi n2htavale m6ne aja p2rast.

Kaminas on tuli ja tee aurab maitsvalt...


So, this is the trip to Sidney, Freya's last time without masts. Hilary and Ty are up there and I was just enjoying it all. / Retk Sidney'sse, Freya viimne teekond ilma mastideta. Hilary ja Ty seal jutustamas ja mus on ilmselge r66m.
August 2009, BC, Canada

Skipper. Tacking against the wind out from Ganges Bay on our first sailing trip from Salt Spring to Galiano. / Tyyrinaine. Pautisime vastutuult saarte vahel. Treening.
September 2009

All 3 sails up there. Jib. Fore. Main.
K6ik kolm purje. (eestikeelsed s6nad mul veel 6ppimata..:)

While I was turning the wheel, guys were working with lines. We had a nice heel too!
Jason, Oliver, Dylan.
Siis kui ma tyyrisin, olid poisid otsadega tegelemas. Kreen oli vahel p2ris kena!

Towards the Dreams
Unistuste Poole

Maagiline Maailm on Merel.
T2nan Ilma, et see k6ik on juhtunud minuga.

You are Loved

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