
23 September 2009

The Next Message... where you are when you hear the next message.
Whenever you are ready you'll hear the next message.
The interesting thing is there is always a next message and it's always available to you.
That's a hard one!
The handwriting is always on the wall saying:

Magic Theatre
For Madmen Only
Price of Admission:
Your Mind

Always there, question is:
Can you see it?

by Ram Dass


What is happening with me is Remembering.
I wake into the world so unknow and jet so known. It is like smelling something which brings you feelings that you know this smell, but you do not remember how you know that and you do not remember where was it... But you Remeber. You recognize. And it feels like the Whole World is there, right now, in this very breath, in this moment of smelling the night, the forest and the starts. Big Dipper is up there with the Northern Star. And all your friends are all at once in your Heart. All the feelings are so big and true. And at the same time you are so alone and so empty. Just a space. Just a smeller. Just a wind. This White Wind I am now.


I love you.
I love the space and empty fullness I crasp just now, in this rooted moment, where it doesn't matter where I am. It doesn't matter what language I use. It is all one. Light is One. I am Light. My love is all love. I dissapear. You are love. We are the same love. As much as I see you, you see me.

Once you follow yourself, you find that there is no you anymore.

There is just Light on the Path.


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Steps on the planet Earth