
29 March 2009


It took me 22 years to get to the place where I can sleep in a tipi, go to sweatlodge, sing native american songs around the fire, go to tipi with all those people, stay up all night, take peyote, sing, sing, sing, watch fire, fell asleep, wake up again, dream, get to feel the people around me... and the next day just starts with fresh fruit and corn and sacred meat and we say hello to the sun, we greet all 6 directions and make a prair.

I found myself cutting 365 small pieces of red cloth. I put tabacco with herbs inside them. And they all are in one line. They will be around me, when I go to the mountains.

It feels like home. It feels so familiar and so film at the same time. Beautiful.
And what is funny - here are some people, we already met on the rainbow. And one guy has been on the horsecaravan - it just seems more and more that world is so small and connected. Same paths are crossing again. So, there are no good-bye´s really. You just have to trust and be sure that you will meet with those people who are close to your heart.

I will meet you, dear one,
world is round.


Maailm on ymmargune ja mu algused ja l6pud said kokku kui viskasin kotid seljast ja hetsin pikali tipisse. Esimest korda elus. P2ris tipi. Maalingud. S6nni all sain magada, hommikul p2ikesesse 2rgata.
Uneilm. Imeilm. Sees ja v2ljas.
Mehhiko n2itab uusi kylgi enesest. Need inimesed on vanasid traditsioone elus hoidvad, loodusega elavad, maailmaga elavad. Nad laulavad laule, selliseid nagu kuulsin indiaani unelaulude plaadilt enne kui eestist lahkusin. Ait2h Reet, see oli nagu sissejuhatus. Nyyd tean m6nda isegi laulda.
Tseremoonia ja higitelk, hispaania keel, aga tunne saab aru. Tipis inimesed k6ik koos, altar, l6ke. Laulud. Peyote, nende meditsiin.
Seda on v2ga huvitav kogeda. Ja inimesed on kuidagi tuttavad. N2gin oma m6lemaid vanaisasid ja Timmi ja Sandri s6pra Kalvit - nad on teiste inimeste sees. Ja siis on tunne, nagu juba teaks sedagi inimest. EI tea, kyll mis see on, aga ilus on.
M2gede vahel oleme, roheline loodus ymber. P2ris.

6nn on elada ja 6nn on jagada,
r2ndajatele elude sees.
Oleme k6ik yhenduses.


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Steps on the planet Earth