
19 April 2009

Hoovused. Currents.

Jah, olengi Kanadas.
See tunne on midagi v2ga uut ja vana korraga.
Auto tagaistmel istudes ja tundes seda, kus olen ja mis toimub..., selles on midagi, mida s6nadesse on keeruline panna, kuid mis on tugev tunne, on selge ja on sygav.
Nyyd taipan, kuidas mulle meeldib kevade hallus ja lagedus,
mis varsti hakkab rohelusse puhkema.
Majade vahel on palju ruumi
ja poodide riiulid on tehtud puust,
on ilusad ja armsad.
Hinnad on kallid, peab ytlema. Aga see on vaid suhtumise kysimus. Ma unustan 2ra v6rdlusmomendi, siis pole probleeme :)

Vanavanaisa astus 30ndatel siin maal, et teha t88d, ehk otsida 6nne. Siis oli maailmas majanduskriis.
Naljakas, natuke sama on ka praegu juhtumas.

Mu silmad vaatavad selgelt,
tunnen julgust astuda teele, mis viib l22nepoole,
avastada ilusaid vaateid, m2gesid ja lagendikke,
kuulata 2rkavate lindude hyydeid ja tunda karge tuule iile.
Jah, olen p6hjamaa laps
ja kuigi vahest on hea maanduda palmidemaale,
h6iskab hing r66must,
kui v6ilillede aeg on ainult kevadel
ja puud on talvel magamas.


Yes, I am in Canada.
This feeling is something very old and new at the same time.
I can just observe this ... this something... which is hard to put into the words. It is strong. It is clear. It is deep.

Now I can see how much I love how the greyness of spring is about to change into the greenness of spring. How there is space in between houses. And some roads are bad to drive on...
Shelves on the stores are made of wood,
they are beautiful and cozy.
Prizes are high,
but if I forget what I know about those things.., there is no problem at all!

Our great grandfather touched this ground with his feet on the thirties to find work, to find luck... It was the time of economical crisis.
Funny. Something similar is happening now as well in the World.

My eyes are clear,
I feel the courage to take the road to west,
to see beautiful landscapes, mountains and lowlands,
to listen the sounds of awakening birds, to let my hair be blown by crispy winds...
Yes, I am a child of North.
Although it is good to step out from the plain into the palm-lands,
my soul is singing in joy
when the spring time is blooming
and trees are asleep in the wintertime.

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Steps on the planet Earth