(http://www.panoramio.com/photo/12847809 - thanks for the picture, somebody!)
"We will be at your house at 5 am - so you will come?"
Dylan, Emily (from Sweden), her mother Lotta and niece Anna and me, Marian - we left Victoria behind and drove up north, then west and moved on a water taxi and started a journey to an island. Flores.
Wind with me, mountains around, water from the ocean, rocks...., native reserves. And First Nation people on the boat, in the village.
Again with my backpack, weight of it... steps into the forest, to the beach, to the forest again and to the beach again. Trail lead further and further. First swim, naked and in the waves ~ fresh and free!
We got there, after 6 hours of hiking. Cow bay.
So warm was this day, like in Mexico...
And then, I had my first sight to the endless ocean. Pacific Ocean. Nothing more than ocean.
Whales there, I saw one of them for a second.
Magic around me.
I laid on a rock and it started to talk with me. About secrets. About the future. About my life.
And I listened.
An eagle flew over and I had a silence wish to find his feather.
This happened later, when I was fox-walking ~ the Feather just was there in front of my feet, when I looked down... How?! Really!?
I fell asleep, into the dreams. Then I woke up, did the exercises and went for a run, to the other side of the bay and back...then into the ocean which was painted colourful by the setting Sun... Red and everything.
Those days I spent wondering around. Dead sea lion and his smelling tooth. A man and his partner living in a hutch in the middle of this beauty and wilderness for 30 years. Solar panel and a boat.
Trail along the river, wolf and cougar tracks and then just me and Emily there, surrounded by the sacred silence, salmonberries, huckleberries and blueberries. Every step so different on the riverstones, barefoot. Holy ground. Just standing, in awe and bliss.
Another adventure to the next bay, just me ~ two grandfathers on one of the bays, with kayaks - they gave me cookies and kindness, I continued, climbed over the rocks and cliffs, worried if I can make it back cause the tide was getting higher with every moment and I didn't know the trails yet.
Abandoned hutch ~ books in German and English, kid toys, blackberry branches growing through the wooden floor. My lunch there. Boat in a bush.
I found my way back, I found the secret paths, my fear evaporated and I watched the grey ocean with growing peace in my mind. I climbed the rock to see, to feel how it is to be as far as I can, just me and black rocks, small plants and loudness of the ocean.
Oh, it is easy to feel afraid near this Ocean, with incoming tides on the unknown ground, on the beaches so untouched by human feet and minds. Wild.
And the forests are so old, oldest I have ever seen and felt. Red cedars so tall, mosses, ferns ~ all so gracefully on top of each other, sharing the space. And berries all around. Those forests are rich. It is possible to survive there, just eating the plants...
I am learning this wisdom. Dreams tell me, people come to my way to show.
Dylan caught a fish just when I got there. Snapper. And another one! Luck!
We returned to the camp on the darkness of our list night there, crab in the bag, fish hanging on the hooks, flowers and a big feather with me too. Fire was waiting there.
We went out to the rocks and I reminded my university time - how to cut the fish! It worked. Headlamps showed the light and guts and blood came out... I washed my knives, fillets and fishheads for the soup...
Feast. Garlic. Butter. Fish and crab on the fire!
Mother Earth is kind.
Life woke me up again 3 minutes before the alarm clock, like the day when I had to wake up at 4 am to get going... Trust, this is what I have been teached.
Long hike back. Treasures in my bag.
We missed one track and I took the rock-way. Lotta and Anna followed and it became an adventure. We created tracks to the untouched beaches. We had to make our way through the hard bushes..., climb over the rocks, with the heavy backpacks this time. Those things just happen with me, apparently :) They didn't complain and we made it, right on time! 15 minutes before the boat we were there.
Native Village, feels like in Mexico, close to my heart.
I will go back there. Rock told me so.
Tofino, touristic spot, holiday just now.
We went to eat out - weird, after cooking on a fire... But. In life one has to be flexible. Miso soup. Yoshi, my Japanese friend and his soup in my mind. Yes, this life is great!
So warm again, we took the road back. A lake. Memories from the childhood trips with the whole family - to the lake! Different family here now. Here and now.
Water so warm.
It is not illegal to have naked boobs here. So we did. I was to tired to worry or think and find my swimming suit... Killing is more legal than being naked. Funny world. Heh.
Setting sun and music about the rainbows. My brother, thank you for being with me. And Marco.
And all my life, my past - it is somehow with me as the future will bring us together, those of us, who have to meet again. Presence here. In this car on the road.
I felt so great,
peace and pleasure.
This land is my home today. Street names in English.
I understand and learn more each day.
Sweden is opening itself up too. I have friends to visit there now. So is the life unfolding and I keep on dreaming.
I imagined my parents here (as I saw Emily's mother here just now).... :) one day maybe.
And then I will have car to take us out,
or maybe we hitchike alltogether to take an Adventure! Just for the sake of adventure!
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