
Showing posts with label Sander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sander. Show all posts

05 April 2010

Treeningud Tartus


Tartus teevad trenni!

~On dünaamika aeg~


26 October 2009

Hulgerdamine ehk vabalt öiste hetkede kogemine

Kassitoomel laulavad rebased~

Linna metsikus koosluses eksisteerivad inimesed kõrvuti oma looduga. Õnneks on veel midagi lisaks loodud.
Tooks heaks näiteks rebased.
Nad kalpsavad mängeldes ringi. Kindla peale on neid vähemalt kaks ning inimesed on nende silmis kui liikuvad puud.
Ühel hetkel lendlevad lehtede sahinal mööda rebasepoisid, siis vurab tänavapuhastusmassin vilkurite saatel rämpsu radadel. Muidu hilised jõlkujad~ Valguste ja hoovide vaatlejad. Lugude otsijad ning puude puudutajad. Nad näevad ja märkavad seda mis on muidu olemisele omakorda omane ;D

See hääl mis esmalt meenutas hüsteerilist naist~ metsikut kitse ~ hullunud koera~ paranormaalset nähtust~ osutus rebasepoisi hüüdeks oma mängukaaslasega taaskohtumiseks.

Üles ja alla~ veelkord~ Ring peale~ Alla ~ Üles ~ Otse üle tee~ Alla ~ sabad sirged ja käpad kerged.

Tartus juhtub asju
Toast välja minnes märkad neid~
Tuleb ikka sutsukene tuulduda~
Tuleb selgus südamesse

15 October 2009

What is the time? It is Now

Here I write down a question for You.
Siin on küsimus Sulle.

We both ask to give us some feedback about how all this "Semiluuto" has influenced You, 
Palume teil anda meile tagasisidet selle kohta kuis "Semiluuto" on Sinu jaoks olemas,

how you feel and think about that, 
mida Sa tunned ja mõtled selle kohta,

what is good and what is bad ~
mis on halb ja mis on hea ~

let it all out,
lase kõik välja,
long or short,
pikalt või lühikeselt,

black and white or colourful.
mustvalgelt või värviliselt.

This is how we are going to move on,
Sedamoodi me kasvame ja areneme,

sharing ideas, 
jagades ideesid,

sharing lives.
jagades elusid.

Speaking our Truth.
Rääkides oma Tõde.

Maybe something moves in you when you read and then you think that it is not worth mentioning...
but IT IS! You are the One. We all are connected and we can use tool of verbal and written communication to see the world from different angles, to share how we see.
Võibolla midagi liigutub Sinus kui loed... siis aga jätad selle mainimata, sest arvad, et see pole seda väärt... aga tead mis, SEE ON! 
Me oleme kõik ühendatud ja meie kasutada on kõneline ja kirjaline suhlemine,
et saaksime maailma näha erinevatest vaatekohtadest,
jagada seda, mida läbi eneste kogeme.

Täname. Olge lahked.
Thank you for your kindness.

And now you can continue with what else came up today... :)

Some things change. Some things do not change.

There is happiness and sadness bound to those realizations. Over it all goes peace. It is observation, it is allowance.

Every morning and every night when I go to sleep I say: "All of Life comes to me with Ease and Joy and Glory!" 
This is called manifestation. I have done it for years now. As I look back to my life lived since I started that, I have to say, that it is truth. This is how my life is being created.
I am the Creator of my life. I am learning to listen to my Spirit, to listen to the Universe. It can take different forms and it can be called with different names. Some of those who are on this path, call themselves as yogis, some of them markames, shamans and so on.

I am from a place on Earth, where we do not have wide-known traditions. Estonians are the most irreligional people on the planet... (by Wikipedia) All that gives us a chance to go along with the energetical changes happening in those times of Now. Light is growing stronger and so are shadows. First things I heard about when I came to Estonia were this economical crisis (called MASU over here - new word is even being created!) and loss of jobs and salaries.
My first reaction was that I want to go back there where I just came from - West coast of Canada, beautiful British Columbia, Vancouver Island.

Then I was reminded to be where I am. This is a doorway to inner peace. I went along with my brother who has created a space to live, which is wood-heated and in an old house, made out of wood. This is a yin-apartment, not so much light from outside. But there is not much light out there anyways. Sky is gray and water is falling down in different forms.

Just here, in this sweet and warm cave I am taking my time to rest and give time to the body to adjust with the different time and environment, temperature and food.
The training I used to take part for 3 years, has evolved and moved on. It is called BodyMindSchool (KehaMeeleKool) Gladly there is space for me to go and tap myself in, to wake up some skills which are there in my body-memory and also to go and understand it from another level. This year of being a traveller has taught me something about the World. I am understood there too. Now it is time to move on and create something new. It is all coming.

Marian. There is the Light. Tartu. Estonia.

Friends of my brother and friends of mine are joining together, those who's hearts have directions in common. It is celebration of Life. It is a gift for me here to see how the community awakes and grows and World really comes together.

Sander. Just come along. Tartu. In the Kitchen.

I am supported by various people and their actions around the world. I am sure to find the right information on the right time. Be free to share your insights and inspirations. I see that it is happening every day - that people realize that the answers cannot be found from outside, they are there, inside.
So decide to get to know yourself better and your issues will be solved, step by step.

You are the change you want to see in the world. There is nowhere to push it forward. Look through the illusions and choose what is right for the Heart, not for the mind. Because mind created world is degrading and falling apart. New children are being born who know what they are doing here, they are well connected with their Spirits and as they grow, they are going to build up the societies where the voice of the mind is used wisely, controlled, not controlling.

For those who are somewhere in the middle of this change, things can be challenging and confusing at certain times. It is a lesson to go through, it is there for us to wake up and let go of the things we are trained to think and have and worry about.
It is all about trust and simplicity and freedom.
Freedom to eat well, to live in balance, to have good friends around and to do what is fulfilling and motivating.

So, if you happen to have ask time next time, take a look at your wrist (and jewelery there) and see that the Time Is Now ~


30 September 2009


World COMES together ~ One way or another ~ World COMES together



23 July 2009

Öös on Lõhnu

Kas oled vahel tähele pannud, et mingi teatud lõhn tekitab sinus erilise tunde. Siis miski meenub, taastunnetad ning kujutad ette inimesi ja hetki, samal ajal saab loodud tühjus, millesse mahub rõõm ja selge mõistmine olemasolust ja praegustest aroomidest. Peale tugevaid vihmahooge on loodus eriti külluslik ja kiirgav.
Lausa lummav oma öiste laulude ja aurumängudega. Saapad jalga ja lõhnaradadele ütles mulle mu süda. Läbi kõrge rohu mäejalami poole sammudes tuli minuni Maa tunne. See oli väga avar ning kindel. Kaugele ulatuvad põllud laulsid viljakusest ning kindlusest, ning meel ühines esi-isade visiooniga jätkusuutlikust ning tugevast maa-kultuurist. Taevas paistis suure valgusena planeet Marss, naaber ju meile, nii hea on teda ikka vahel näha on.

Uuesti need lõhnad, veepiiskadest külluslikud ja suve-eetrist pungil. Tõeline loomenektar kõigile kel meeldib öistel radadel liikuda. Enam ei ole minus hirmu öisest metsast, nüüd laulab minus uudishimu ja rahulikkus neis paigus elavate elude ja olude suhtes.

Udu tõusis mõne hetkega kõrgele, avarast vaatest sai tükikene stsenaariumist "Siil udus". Mmm, hämmastav on see ilm.

Jätkasin kõndismist ning peatusin veelkord et kuulatada, et ühenduda, et olla. Koer Tommi oli minu ustavaks saatjaks, temagi oli uudsest olust ärevil, tavaliselt keegi sellistel hetkedel kahejalgsetest kepi- või palliviskajatest õue peal ringi ju ei konda..~;)
Jagasin veelkord tähelepanu kõige ümbristeva ning minuga ühenduses olevaga, kui korraga tõusis metsast lendu kakuline. ÖÖkull arvasin ma~ Olin rõõmust kohkunud ning jälgisin teda ürglikus valmisolekus kuid samal ajal armastavast uudishimust ning kohtumisrõõmust kantuna. Ta tegi minu pea kohal paar sametist tiiru. Nõnda puhas oli ta lend, nii pehme ja kindel ning siis läks ta oma öistele teedele, või oleks paslikum lausuda öistele õhkudele ~

Jätkuvalt oli kõikjal udu, lõhnad lajatamas mu meeli värskuselaengutega. Tundsin, kuidas minus avanes öölille õis. Armastan seda kõike nii väga.
Jõudsin tuppa, maja oli vaiki. Kõik Ilma potentsiaalid on puhastumas ning mõtete ja energiate kanalid on avarad. Istusin ja vaatlesin Himaalaja soolakivist kumavat punakat valgust.

Nõnda hea oli lihtsalt olla ja hingata, jätsin mütsi ja õhtulõhnalise jaki.
Võimalik, et sel võis olla midagi seost päevasel ajal reisuloo sõnastamise alustamisega. Rännutee avastamised ning kogemused tulid minu peale. Väga eredalt kerkisid esile kallid inimesed kellega mul oli rõõm ja vabadus suhestuda ning olu ja leiba jagada. See kõik oli nõnda intensiivne, et ümrbritsev näis hajuvat ning kõik plaanitud lahkus meeltest.

Tahan sellega tänada kõiki elusolendeid ja Emakest Maad, mille pinnal Me kõik selle kõigega kohtuda saame. Südant kuhu kõik see ära mahub, ning Ruumi kus alati on ruumi avardavateks elu-üllatusteks.

Sander ÖÖs t Õekesele Marianile seal Vankuuveri saarel siirusi saatmas )'(

03 July 2009

Taaskord Edasi

Üle Merede ja Saarte, ookeani ja vahuste pilvede tõi mind tiivuline Euroopasse~ Siis kevad oli noor ning Mai oli kakskümmend ja kuus. Prantsusmaa mind hoidis, Püreneede mäed kosutasid ja pakkusid varju ja vett ning selginemise ruumi.  Lumised tipud ühes end vaatleva reisikaaslasega Saksamaalt. Hääletamise mõru/magus teekond läbi Andorra, maksuvabad oliivid ja šokolaad põue ning vihma ja äikese saatel laskusime Hispaania valda. Salamanca - üli kooli ja üli peo linn. Kordumatu tänaval pilkude kohtumise ja öömaja küsimuse ära langemise mitteametlik rekord, Klassiõega kohtumine Eestist. Soojus Soojus Soojus.   Siis tuli otsuseks Rootsi~ Vipassana meditatsioonilaager. Hääletamine sinnapoole.. Madrid...Linna kinni jäämine...Aitab hääletamisest (mõru higine ja janune kuid suupilliga) ... Barcelona... Vahemeri... Vaatlemine . Lendamine ~~ Kopenhaageni Kargus~  Kontaktide hardus, Religioossed seiklused, Risti, Krishna ja Kõikse valdades... Toakaaslane Rasmus ja Maria Ollerupi hetkedest... LõheKook ... Suur lõunapakk, motiveeritud ja ärksad silmad, Hääletamise algus... Rootsi ... Peavalu Algus... Tanklate toidu söömine ... Jupisõidud... Äärmuslike seksuaalsete vaadetega autojuht ... VIhmasadu ... Peavalu ... Bussisõit ... Öö telgis ..  Imelikud pool reaalsused, tundmused. Uus päev, Meditatsioonilaagri algus pisikeses Paigas.. 10 päeva vaikust ja vaatlemist, Siddharta Gautama õpetusõnu Vipassana meditatsioonist ja muustki läbi härra Goenka sõnade ja olemuse. Peavalu kadumine .. Hea toit.. Varajane ärkamine, Hoolikas praktika.. Tee kogemine, alustamine.. Päevade kadumine, aja transformeerumine, vaikuse avanemine. Meele koorumine... Selginemine, tugevnemine.. koti raskuseta olemine.. Rääkimise alustamine, teekaaslastega kohtumine, kaaseestalse kohtamine, soome neiuga ühte mõistmine reisimise ja elu vaatluse koha pealt, Stockholm, Riia, Must Leib ja Või ... Pärnu, Hääletamise Rõõm Taskuriigis Eesti, Ootamatu koduõuele astumine ~~~

Rahulik Jaanik

Koolide Vibra

Tartu, Sõbrad Pillerin Jordan Ellen Mihkel Egon Saskia ning üllatuspilgud ja rõõmud

Tartu Kunstikooli Fotosse kandideerimine,  Sõbra julgustus, Uued pliiatsid ja pintslid.. Esimesed Portreed ja Maalid .. Kolm Pikka päeva eksamitemeditatsiooni... Motiveeriv vestlus... Kandidaadi 232 Riiklikule kohale aksepteerimine...

Vanaisaga Puude ladumine ja sõjajutu puhumine, hobuste jutu puhumine~~~

Nojah~   Kallid Inimesed Oleme ikka õnnelikud küll, et Elame ;D       Sander Liigvallast

03 June 2009

Support the Horsecaravan _)'(_ Toeta Hobukaravani

Kallid S6brad
Dear Friends

Horses are like people, they like to Love and be Loved.
Right now the Caravan stays in one place.
Brave people who are taking care of the beautiful and special Horse brotherhood need financial help with providing the pastures with good grass for the horses, medicine and shoeing things and everything else you can imagine a caravan horse needs ;D

Hobused on v2ga tundlikud ja intelligentsed loomad. Nad vajavad peremeest, kuna metsikut L22nt ei ole enam olemas ;D Meie karavani tiimiliikmed on pihustunud yle maailma, ning k6igest kolm vaprat on parajasti hobuste eest hoolt kandmas. HObused vajavad head karjamaad, aeg-ajalt meditsiini parasiitide ja pisit6vede vastu ning kabjadki tahavad rautamist. Inimene vajab samuti syya ja soojust.

All of you who have been with us on this amazing journey a sister and a brother were having in Mexican mountains and jungles...

K6ik, kes te olete reisinud oma visioonides ja m6tetes koos meiega Mehhiko metsades ja m2gedes...

All of you who support different ways of living, living dreams and Love HORSES...

K6ik, kes te toetate alternatiivseid elu- ja liikumisviise, Oma unistuste elamist ja Armastate HOBUSEID...

All of You are greatly welcome to make a donation for the brave three people who are working for the good of the world at the moment. SO the horse caravan can continue in November 2009. New people will have their life-experience, more small villages will be visited by the Caravan. More happy kids in the jungles and mountains who learn about the environmet. More creativity, More happiness, More Peace. Otherwise good and experienced horses have to be sold and leave the amazing caravan life.

Olete k6ik oodatud oma sydame tunde j2rgi meie Hobuperekonda Mehhikos toetama. Selle l2bi osalete otseselt uue karavani toetamisel sel aastal novembrikuus, mis pakub uutele ilmainimestele v6imaluse elada oma unistusi ja kogeda k6ikv6imalikku. Rohkem pisikesi kylasid saab internatsionaalse tervituse osaliseks, rohkem naeratavaid ja loovamaid koolilapsi, kes innustuvad tsirkusest ja 6pivad l2bi m2ngu ja teatri esmalt oma kodukyla, ning seej2rel maailma tasakaalu meeles pidama.
Vastasel juhul tuleb head ja kogenud hobused rahaks vahetada, ning nende jaoks on imeline hobuvabadus ning v6imalus selleks korraks l6ppenud.


Even a small contribution will make a change~ Always remember that ~

K6ik suured teod saavad alguse v2ikesest, Igasugune toetus k6rgelt hinnas.

~With Love and Respect~
Armastuse ja T2nutundega

Sander Hiire
Account no/ Konto nr : 221013378618

Clicking on this LINK, you will be able view the Horse Caravan story through my eyes.

Klikkides LINGile, saad heita pilgu meie hobuloole Mehhikos, mis kaamera toetusel on materialiseerunud.

23 May 2009


First time in my life I see how a person gets hit by a car. And it all happened Right next to me.
We are driving in Montreal, and all of a sudden I see a guy crossing the street while we have green-to-go. It is late, and he is wearing dark clothes as well. So we break, otherwise we would have hit him. Probably he is drunk as well. But the car on the next line does not see him, partly because of us, walking, and pooom. It was so so real, more than real. Time stopped, everything stopped, and the guy is flying in the air, the acceleration shows no mercy, the gracity takes him down. The walking stick flies away, and a bottle of somekind of "liquid" pops out from his pocet.
After that he did not move. We already started moving, he stayed there. People hopefully called the ambulance, I am sure. I hope. I believe.

Huh, real real Life. Hard for him. He was already walking with a stick. But everything must have a reason, he was totally spaced out while he was crossing the street. Huh!
So, make your own conclusions, and be aware of yourself when walking in the babylon.

Big cities create this kind of a love and hate relation towards it. That happened in Mexico and it happened today with Montreal.

I found something I can share with the world. To teach people how to make handstand, and headstands. To twist the perspective.

Photography reminded itself as well.
Well well, lets see, what life hast to offer me. I am ready for all sort of stuff.

Cheers for that.


19 May 2009

TEEkond Quebec in focus

Proud to be alive| Olen uhke et olen elus

Adventuring soul Remi | Planning to make the trip around All the America| more than 60000 km with one year. It would be the new world record :D | h2mmastav toetaja, korjas mind eikuskilt peale ja oli valmis metsa viima, kuid metsatee ei toetanud meid ja autot, seega telgis magamise asemel sain linade vahele pugeda. Tema plaan on j2rgmise aasta 1 mail alustada rattaretke ymber Ameerika mandri, P6hjast l6una ja tagasi, kokku 60000 km ja rohkemgi yhe aastaga, mis looks uue ilmarekordi. Mis sa arvad, mitmes toas v6ib leida maailmakaarte?

I like the world from up there | Mulle meeldib maailm sealt k6rgemalt

Looking for the park | The most grazy ride ever. Not far from sinking into the road in the middle of nowhere| V2gev h22letamiskogemus, uppusime pea kaubikuga kevadpehmel teel. Metsik Metsik Kanada

Stairway into the lake| Veetrepp kylma kuningriiki

Minu Maja| My House

~Success in not measured by heights attained, but by obstacles overcome~

10 May 2009


We are walking on the street. It is rainy sunday afternoon in Montreal. Yesterday Ben from Pensilvania arrived to meet us, so we are chilling down on the street and suddenly I hear beautiful violin melodies from the distance. I look around and there is this guy playing on the other side of the street. We run over there and we find ourselves in Vivaldis Spring and Summer. AMAZING live concert on the street. Just standing on the street, my eyes closed, together with the music, together with the people passing by and dropping dollars into his old kind of a looking instrument box.

Thank you Master!

So we share a dollar with him :D

After hundred meters of walking my eyes stop on super chill tea set on the window of a design shop. So we look inside and what a surprise, there is Vivaldi playing there.

Beautiful art, beautiful and open people and lot of understanding and good vibes.

Eventually Ben found a great lamp for his new appartment, made out of Canadian maple of course.


03 May 2009

Into The Wild

If you should come across with the book or movie called Into the Wild, then I am happy to suggest you to let it become your activity and reality for some moments.
During my travels i have been reading this book. I never finished the book before we gave it as a gift to our canadian friend Dominique, tonight, after watching The Movie. The artistic blend of thoughts, visions, messages, music and sharp reality creates an amazing mood. Kind of a mood where you want to do something. Say something and share something.
Why this movie got so close to me might have something to do with the way i have been on the road. I have not reached Alaska, but the aims and the urge matches often with mine.

While hitchicking in USA in december, I got stuck in the town called Phoenix, Arizona. After a two days of trying to hit the road I surrendered and went to the cinema. After that I was chilling out an reading the book in the parking lot and two guys came by to talk with me while I was zipping my 8 o clock tea and enjoying the wonders of the street lights that made it possible to read.

So the guys saw my big green backpack and the way I was dressed and all this mood around me and started talking about that other guy who went to Alaska and died.
Like that Into The Wild guy.
I sayed yeah, I know about his story. Look , here is the book, I am reading it.
So the guys went like:
"Cool dude. I wish i could help you. hey duuude, here you are, have some money. Ohh shit, I've got one dollar only.. Take it.."

I replied and they were gone. The guy who walked into the wild burnt all his money and his college fund savings earned its potential in the charity, but i decided to keep that bill as a booknote.

Soon after that the security came and announced that I am breaking the law, this is private property and I should be gone. I asked them if I could finish my tea before and then go NOwhere -they agreed upon that. What else they could do? Call the cops, like the other day they came to warn me about hitchiking in the dark and dangerous place. :D

So I found a nice spot close to the highway Interstate number 17 and slept well after the adventurous day in the concrete jungle.

The whole idea and feeling about this post is to give you a little charge and initiation to do what you really want to do and share the happiness emerging from it with the beloved ones and all the others who are reachable.


01 May 2009

The Story of Another WOrld

Is there a storm going on?

Evolution on on the sun\ They are starting farmlands over there \ \

The aRT of eating

The colour of Love \ Hearth \ There is still Hope

Can you sleep when it is dark, or are you afraid of the boogieMan?

One way ticket to paradise please! )Ps! It is in NZ(

Look up\ Everything is all right up there and it is beautiful \ !

How ~Cool are you on the Hot-Meter


We made friends with one guy who went to buy new brown shoestrings today

...Enjoy the May-Day Mayday Mayday...

19 April 2009

Chia Seeds lad. k "Salvia hispanica"

Once in the forests of Texas in United States I found myself eating the most astonishing jelly kind of a thing. Later i found out that it was Chia seeds soaked in the water. The taste was silky, light and the energy was flowing around. The connection was made.

TS of stem of chia, Salvia hispanica, showing region of cortical parenchyma, phloem fibres, xylem and pith parenchyma. Cycling images of Calcofluor staining, red wavelength autofluorescence, LM10-FITC labelling of xylan in secondary cell walls and in scattered parenchyma cell walls The source

So I would like to share some backround info of these seeds and its history and story.

It might be still hard to find Chia in Europe, but who knows, maybe the doors are opened for this warrior food by now.

What is Chia Seed?

An Article from
by Angela Stokes
Chia seed is an ancient superfood that is currently experiencing a glorious renaissance ;) It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans of the southwest.
"Chia" is actually the Mayan word for strength. The seeds were used by these ancient cultures as mega-energy food, especially for their running messengers, who would carry a small pouch of it with them. Chia has been called 'Indian Running Food' and gives an incredibly 'sustaining' surge of energy. I've definitely noticed for myself the 'running energy' that chia seems to impart. If I eat chia, then run later that day, my endurance and ability to run further is greatly enhanced - pretty impressive stuff... ;)
The chia we sell in our online store is imported from Mexico and is certified organic. In Mexico they say that one tablespoon of chia seeds can sustain a person for 24 hours. Chia also happens to TASTE great, looks cute (like tiny dinosaur eggs) and is ready to eat really quickly - besides which it has an off-the-scale nutritional profile...


Why would you want to eat Chia?

Chia seeds are said to have:

  • 2 times the protein of any other seed or grain,
  • 5 times the calcium of milk, plus boron which is a trace mineral that
    helps transfer calcium into your bones,
  • 2 times the amount of potassium as bananas,
  • 3 times the reported antioxidant strength of blueberries
  • 3 times more iron than spinach
  • copious amounts of omega 3 and omega 6, which are essential fatty acids...

    They are a complete source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids in an easily digestible form. They are also a fabulous source of soluble fibre.
    Like flax, chia is highly 'hydrophilic' - the seeds absorb water and create a mucilaginous gel. They can hold 9-12 times their weight in water and they absorb it very rapidly - in under 10 minutes.

    One advantage of chia is that because it has such a high antioxidant content, the seeds stay stable for much longer, whereas flax, for example, may turn rancid. Chia seeds can easily be stored dry for 4-5 years without deterioration in flavour, odour or nutritional value. You can substitute chia in any recipe that calls for flax.

  • Mild Taste
    The taste of chia is very mild and pleasant. That means you can easily combine it with other foods without changing the taste dramatically. People add chia to their sauces, bread batters, puddings, smoothies and more. The flavour is retained, plus masses more nutrition is added ;)

    The 'Dieter's Dream Food'
    Chia has been called a dieter's dream food because when added to foods, it bulks them up, displacing calories and fat without diluting the flavour. Thus, someone can eat a typical serving, yet only consume about half the calories they might have eaten, because the food has been bulked up with chia. PLUS, the eater gets a bellyful of nutrient-rich superfood goodness, which hydrates and sustains them - magic ;)


  • What are some other benefits of eating Chia?

  • Provides energy
  • Boosts strength
  • Bolsters endurance
  • Levels blood sugar
  • Induces weight loss
  • Aids intestinal regularity

    Sugar Absorption
    Chia slows the impact of sugars on the system, if eaten together. Chia gel creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, which slows the conversion of carbs into sugar. That means the energy from the food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance. This is clearly of great benefit to diabetics in particular. It also means that I can combine chia with super-sweet tastes like apple juice and not get super-spiked ;)

    Absorb and Retain Water
    Due to the exceptional water-absorption quality of chia, it can help you prolong hydration and retain electrolytes, especially during exertion.

    Easy to Digest
    Whole, water-soaked chia seeds are easily digested and absorbed. Their tiny dinosaur-egg-like shells break down quickly. They feel light in the body, yet energising. Their nutrients can be quickly assimilated into the body.

    Intestinal Broom
    Chia seeds bulk up, then work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through your intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. Many people find their stools also become more regular once they eat chia.

    Chia is a very reasonably priced, concentrated food. Our 1lb bags cost $8. 1/3 cup of dry chia seeds (2 ounces) makes about 17 ounces of chia gel. This costs about $1. Depending on how much gel you use, those 17oz will likely last, on average, about four days. That is about 25cents a day.

    Chia can be used in so many kinds of recipes - savoury, sweet - it works with anything. You might want to try them in salad dressings, cookie mixtures, smoothies, crackers, ice creams, juices and so on.

    Chia seed protein contains no gluten. This makes it ideal for anyone with a gluten sensitivity or simply wanting to find a replacement for gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats.

  • Ten Raw Chia Recipes

    WARNING - these are 'hardcore' raw foodist recipes, developed and used by long-term raw food eaters. Some may seem quite peculiar or unfamiliar to those who are not accustomed to eating raw. We encourage you to try them out though and to perhaps use them as a 'spring-board' for creating and enjoying your own chia recipes...
    All of these recipes are based on one person eating.

    Basic Chia Gel

    Mix 1/3-cup chia seeds to 2 cups water. Stir. This is the 'basic gel' recipe that can be stored in your fridge and used as required.

    Sweet Shortbread Chia
    4-5 tbsps chia seeds
    2 cups fresh apple juice
    2 tbsp lucuma powder
    1/2 cup dried mulberries
    1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

    Soak the chia seeds in the apple juice. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    'Chia Fresca'
    2 tsp chia seeds
    10oz pure water
    juice of one lemon or lime
    agave syrup or raw honey to taste

    This is still a popular drink in modern-day Mexico. Simply stir the ingredients together and enjoy.

    Fruity Chia
    3 small or 2 big apples
    8 dates, pits removed
    4-5 tbsp chia seeds
    1/4 cup dried mulberries

    Blend the apples and six of the dates together. Transfer that mixture into a bowl and stir in the chia seeds and mulberries. Chop down the remaining 2 dates into pieces and stir those in too. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    Bana-paya Chia
    1 banana
    1 cup papaya flesh
    6 dried Turkish figs
    4-5 tbsp chia, ground

    Blend the banana and papaya flesh together. Put the figs in this mixture and leave it to soak overnight. Blend the whole mixture, including the figs, the next day. Stir in the ground chia seed. Serve.

    Chia Gel 'Muesli'
    1 cup of basic chia gel
    2 bananas, mashed with a fork
    1 tbsp lucuma powder
    1/4 cup raisins
    1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

    Mix together the ingredients in a bowl with a fork and eat.

    Green Chia
    8 dried prunes, soaked in 1 pint pure water
    1 tbsp spirulina powder
    1/3-cup chia seeds

    Drain off most of the prune soak water and put the chia seeds to soak in the prune soak water. Blend together the prunes with the spirulina and a small amount of the soak water. Stir the spirulina/prune mixture into the soaked chia seeds. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    Persi-nana Chia
    4-5 tbsp chia seeds
    1-2 bananas
    1-2 persimmons
    1tsp maca
    1 tsp cinnamon
    handful of goji berries
    handful of pumpkin seeds

    Blend together the bananas and persimmons. Pour out the mixture into a bowl. Stir in the chia seeds, maca, cinnamon, gojis and pumpkin seeds. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.

    Raw 'Rice Pudding'
    4-5 tbsp chia seed
    2 cups almond milk
    raw honey or agave syrup to taste

    Combine the ingredients to your taste. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming. You can also add other flavours like vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom.

    Banana-nut Bread
    2 cups vegetable juice pulp (preferably at least half carrot)
    8 tbsp ground chia
    1/4 cup chopped walnuts
    1/2 cup raisins
    5 bananas
    Mix together the veggie juice pulp and bananas in a food processor. Add in the ground chia and let the food processor run until the seeds are completely mixed in.
    Transfer the mixture to a bowl with the walnuts and raisins and mix them in thoroughly by hand. Shape into a loaf. For major yumminess, top with ?Cream Cheese? (see below).

    Cream Cheese
    Flesh of three avocados
    9 dates
    juice of 1 or 2 lemons
    big handful of dulse seaweed


    |||We are what we eat|||
    at least 10% from our well being is dependent on our diet
    another 10% is physical activity
    and the last third of a third is breathing.
    So it will make 30% in total.

    So now you are thinking what makes the rest from the whole???

    The answer is in you head.
    Thinking :D

    Wisdom written down by Gunnar Aarma <>

    11 April 2009


    Selleks, et kergeks saada tuleb lihtsalt v2hem syya ja juua - nii lihtne see ongi.
    Valisin enese reaalsuseks neli p2eva kaunis kaljusopis, kus ruumi vaid kehapikkuse jagu et pimedal aal puhata, olla neli p2eva ja 88d ilma toidu- ja veekraami tarbimata.

    N6nda siis meid viidigi m2e otsa ja seal ma siis istusin.
    Suheldes P2ikesega.
    Suheldes taevaga.

    Suheldes k6ikide kirevate lindudega, kotkaste ja koolibridegagi.

    Suheldes puudega.
    Suheldes katkuste ning 6itega.

    Suheldes 8iste t2htede ning kauni kuuga.

    Suheldes enesega.

    On huvtav t6deda, et pea on ikka yks paras tegelane kyll. Muudkui ketrab p2evad l2bi igast pahna. V6tab pea kolm 88d-p2eva, et olukord rahuneks, ning siis hakkab sinu keha nalja viskama, sest talle tundub et oled kuidagi viimasel ajal v2ga paikseks j22nud, ning vedelik ja muud kraami liigub v2lja rohkem kui sisse tuuakse. Kas hakkab surm tulema - - v6din, v2rin.

    Koolipingis 6pitud t6de, et inimene kes on kolm kuni neli p2eva ilma veeta on sama h2sti kui surnud, ei vastanud sugugi t6ele. Oleks rahulikult p2evaksese v6i pisikese pingutusega ka kaks veel suutnud olla.

    Kergesti v6ib tekkida kysimus, et miks kyll kallis inimene sa sellist v2rki enesele korraldad.

    Vastaksin s2ravate silmadega, et aga miks mitte. Kui pole proovinud, siis ka ei tea.

    Nyyd ma siis tean, kui v2he ma tegelikult vajan.
    Nyyd ma tean, et m6tteselgus ning energia liikumine on n6nda paljuski s6ltuv sellest, mida parajasti oleme otsustanud k6husoppi sokutada.
    Nyyd ma tean, et minus on midagi millest ma midagi veel ei tea.

    Nyyd ma m6istan, kui helde ja hea on meie suhtes emakene maa oma k6igi andidega.

    Ka see sai selgeks, kuidas jahedast 6htu6hust v2rskust koguda.

    Ning arvan et yyrikesteks hetkedeks suutsin ka t2iesti m6tlemise peatada, v6i siis viia see v2ga madalale sagedusele.

    Selguse hetkedel kaob k6hust tyhjus, meelest iha ja meeltest tunded - on vaid yks - on k6ik.

    K6ik see oli reaalsus veel n2dal tagasi, kuid istusin oma m6ne kodinaga seal m2e otsas.
    T6esti veelkord tahan toonitada kui v2he me tegelikult vajame, ning mis on meie harjumus.
    Loodus on suureks toeks ja inspiratsiooniks sel teel. Kes v2hegi suudab ja soovib - minge 6ue, tantsige taevaga ning nautige iseenast 2rkava kevade nooruslikus embuses.

    Tunnen suurt erinevust, kuna k6ike seda kirjutan maailma yhest suurimast betoonmetsast - Mehhiko Linnast, mis praegusel hetkel on pea inimtyhi - k6ik kes v2hegi linnast v2lja p22sesid on t2histamas Jessukese lugu kuskil kaunil rannal l8sutades v6i kirikuid m88da kummardades ning oma otseses m6istes risti kandes. Mida suurem, seda suurem :D

    Madre de Mexico - Gueadalupe
    Padre de Mexico - Jesus

    N6nda toimib see kaunis ja syrreaalne riik. K6iges oma puhtuses ja prygis, valguses ja varjus ning vabaduses ja ilus.


    13 March 2009

    The Surreal Mexico

    You are walking down the street, you just got to down after 50 minute walking downhill. The sun is behind some clouds and your blood sugar has dropped tremendeously after morning coffee and few skoops of amaranth that i found from the purple magic bus.
    Welcome to Huatusco.

    The houses are painted purple sometimes - its fine. Some guys are building a new house, the other fellows are fixing the things the first guys made wrong.

    Fresh Orange juice is cheaper than a liter of water in Europe.

    Here in towns they have tortilla factorys where they make thousands of pancake like corn thingies in a day. You can get them machine warm ;D

    If you are hungry then you can jump into random kitchen where three mamas are cooking eggs and beans for you in 5 minutes. It´s their way of living - cooking and serving. The cups might be blue and the chili sauce is going to lift your taste monitoring system to a new level.

    To stop a horse caravan of 25 horses because of a red light on a crossing is an interesting mixture of different times.

    On one street you can find three shops that sell exactly the same things ººº

    Looking for a recycling bin¿?

    It is okay if a taxy truck called cabioneta contains 20 mexicans on board - three of them standing almost in the air.

    Gringo - sling sling - the prices just went up before i got to the shop :D

    "What´s up man, where are you from man¿?"* * with a mexican english accent, a question addressed to you from a mexican who has workend in the states before º º º

    Ehhe, there are so many details that impress me in this country - i think i should have a posting of my toilet experiences ;D

    After sitting in the internet caffe for two hours your mind gets owerwhelmed by the frequencies of 10 zooming computers, street sounds and random music that the owner of the place chooses to listen...

    Thank you my friendsº Let´s rather go out to the woods and get grounded again. After that we can meet here again.

    Sander with a little funky hug - three days of riding horses without a proper bath and no soap ;D

    08 December 2008



    Sel hetkel kui ma olin oma plaani liivale visandanud, p66rasin pilgu taevasse, ning astusin t2iesti uude reaalsusesse. Taevas tuhises tohutu valguse ja tule m2ng. Tardununa vaatlesin seda imet. Imeline on olemas olla. N6nda saigi minu plaani vaderiks p6hjataeva t2heke. Liikumine usa suunas sai kinnitust.

    6ekene Kallis valis teise tee, on ju byrokraatia vahel meie valikutes teist meelt. Mariani pass ei v6imalda ameerikat kylastada. Nyyd teate kallid uudistajad, Meil teed on lahus kuid meel ja syda astuvad ikka sama rada.

    Pea 2000 kilomeetrit vurasime koos s6braga m88da maad, nyyd siis Arizona osariigis kuulan maad. Vikerkaar see sillerdav juhatab mu rada. Mis seal ikka muud kui valgust jagada ma tahan.

    Oled siin v6i sealpool t2hti, k6iges kohtume kord ikka, lausume samasse takti.

    Siin Flagstaffi linnakeses kisub nyyd kylmaks. Meetreid mere pinnas vast 2106~ Huvitav kui siit raamatukogust lahkun, kas juba lund sajab.

    Jah v6imalik on see, et vaid n2dalaga k6rbe kuumusest m2gedesse kus lumi, v6ib viia tee.

    Ameerika vajab armastust ja m6istmist~Pysigem armastuse lainetes.

    ~Teise advendi puhul syytan peagi kyynlad~

    T2nan teid ning l6petan meelsalt


    ~Siin m6ned pildikesed lisaks~

    08 November 2008

    Elulood K6rbes · The Desert

    P2ikese radu me j2lgime·

    Vikerkaarelastega kohtume·

    Loome ja lubame. P2evad kui k6iksuse kallistused.

    Kaktused ja kotkad, pelikanid ja k6rvetav liiv.

    Inimesed oma lugude ja soojade kallistustega.

    Tsivilisatsiooni algus. Avastamine, puhastumine.

    Armastuseavaldus ookeani, l6gismaduse ning pisikeste skorpionitega·

    Me oleme siin · Oleme 6nnes

    · · · · · ·

    THe sun creates the day· COming from the ocean and sinking to the mountains.

    Moments to observe, share and love.

    THe Rainbow gathering is spinning around here in La Paz. Away from everything...

    Walk in peace my friends.

    We are alive, we are brown, we are in ease.

    Adios· · ·

    31 October 2008

    The feeling

    I like it and at the same time I hate it. It brings up the anger and reminds that also anger can be creative. It is hard to imagine, but there is a lot of people her. Around 25 mil. or a bit more.
    Smog = fog plus smoke. You can see it here. you can feel it here.

    THe words are creating borders. Our intention and feeling is not accepting that.

    It might happen that for some time there is not going to be many postings and pictures coming up.

    The times are different. We need to follow our path.

    My dear friends and companions, we are all in love, we are all alone on our path, let`s respect that.

    Everything starts from the space


    Hasta lluego amigos. We are going to the pacific side to Rainbow Gathering

    24 October 2008

    ° Mexico - Take Us °

    The wind was playing with our hair. We knew that we are going to see the Atlantic ocean soon...
    Already the air was like that - salty and humid. I mean it´s humid here all the time. Locals call it "fresh" ;D
    We were three at that time. Also Niels, a guy from Belgium who didn´t had anything wise to do back home.
    But what or where is the Home? At these days I would certainly say that my home is where I am and hopefully also my backbag and camera are...

    Anyway, I think that´s the same that I found out while studing in Denmark - It does not matter where one is, The essence is being aware of the space around Us, because our presence makes the environment possible.

    So there we swam and watched the colours of the ocean changing red and green and suddenly it was dark. All the days we´ve been in Mexico, our dinners and meals have only consisted fruits..
    Mostly because of the feeling and the availability of new fruits like papaya and cactus fruits (they are red and some of them green), also pineapple, juicy grapes, melons, and some peanuts, I really understood, that eating is just an habit. It´s all in our heads.
    So there we were, laying in the beach and thinking what shall we do.

    Then we got a message to go by meeting a local guy called Sergio.. He made thing look so easy and interesting... Wow, we felt. Let´s go , we can do it! The other side of the Mexico is not so far at all! Thank you young shaman!

    Saying adios to Niels we really started our trip. Hitchhiking is the key. Waving our thumb took us throught many hundred kilometres. Meeting different people is the key and the biggest advantage of traveling like that. Mexico is the country of extremes. Rich people get more rich, and poor people are happy and poor. Still they are making parties and celebrating special events and hitting the pinjata which is full of candies tulces..

    There are many mexicans here, so everybody needs to have a job. So if you go to a supermarket or just a small la tienda, all your products are packed within seconds. Your car gets filled with gas by itself, and three women are prepearing you a taco, when you find yourself eating it. Mexicans eat tacos with everything and allmost every meal. Tacos are ancient traditons from their ancestors Mayas and Aztecs. Made out of tortillas - maize flour thin kind of a looking pancakes... ¡Bien provenco, amigo!

    We faced the darkness, and met the right guy - Angel ;D Our first great spanish lesson. A guy who doesn´t speak a word in english... We managed to ask him a place to stay.. When he understood, everybody were happy. His family, his willage, his house. Angel is a rich man, he runs a Rantso, if I spell it right. Horses and cows. Living in a village, where the jungel is just a few steps away, the life runs in different circles.. Muchas gracias Senjor Angel, Adios!

    Yes, you can easily get a lift in the back of a truck. It´s normal here. You just need to hold on and enjoy the view ;D The eagles are flying and the miles are running. All the limits are in our heads. These days the government of Mexico is trying to stop drug dealers and illegal gun deliverers. So we met many soldiers and policeman looking us in with a smile in their face.

    Luckily i met Maritza in Denmark. She told me that she´s going to be sad, if I´m not going to visit her. After a night in nowhere and a few hundred miles in trucks and cars, it was a bliss when Eryka and his husband picked us up on the shore of Mexican Gulf. They took us right in front of The Pacheco´s house. Lupita was already waiting, they called her and asked for the right directions and all. Great thanks for all ;D

    Mis casa es tu casa ° ° ° My house is your house ° ° ° Minu kodu on sinu kodu

    That´s the philosophy of mexican people, at least what we have experienced by now. The kitchen cocina is yours, says Lupita, Maritzas mother. The same goes with all the people wisiting this house. There have been many people from abroad. It´s an international house and they love visitors from everywhere.

    The family has a different meaning than we know in Europe. People are connected with something different.

    aah, its lunch time ;D ´

    What new experiences I´m going to meet today...

    There is love, there is peace

    Adios amigos!°¡

    13 October 2008

    Hitchhiking from Berlin to Brussels

    All of a sudden we found ourselves in a gas station asking people if they might give us a lift~
    It was a sunny morning on the skirts of Berlin. We left germany without spending even an singel euro~ )We stayed there 3 days( People, wherever you should be traveling , check out before. It*s the the stepstone to the new age of sharing humanity and care.

    You might heard something from german highways~ They are everywhere and you can drive as fast you would like. So no problem~ Every time I start to hitchhike I give away all the expections and thoughts what is good or what is bad. Only thing to follow is common sense and the feeling inside. We succeeded quite well. Mr. Enno fromg Germany helped us to get to Hannover. He gave good insights of the music life behind the quirtains. So I call you up to buy some records sometimes. I mean the ones you really like ;D and do not live ower your budget just because you think you might all kind of fancy things~

    All of a sudden our wave dissapeared. So we were waiting for the right car for 5 hours. Nothing happened. HItCHHIKING - no problem. ;D

    If the cars are not willing to move you, then you must move yourself.
    SO after a while we got a lift. One hint~ It is possible to get a lift even in the city.
    We almost managed to get to Netherlands, but the darkness came by before that. Restaurant was empty and all the truckdrivers seemed to sleep~

    We managed to get a free dinner and eat some junkfood~ But the intention from the owners was light. Food is holy~

    What do you think how the police is working Germany~ Pretty well we could say. We tried to hike a bit on a highway.. "Why not?" we thought. I mean, there werent so many cars going by and they werent going full speed... But that wasnt a reason good enough. "Man o Man!" screamed the police. Lots of fear and anger jumped out from the car. Hitchhikers are minority~sorry ;D

    So we slept under the oak trees~
    In the morning we made some tea and ate the blessings from the yesterdays dinner )eggs and bread( packed our bags and started to walk. (this time not on the highway:) And suddenly we were sitting in the separate trucks and saying hello to each other through walkie talkies. Kind polish truckdrivers decided to help us on our journey. We didnt go all the way down to France -Belgium was enough. On that holy day, I mean Sunday, everything went easy.

    A couple who volounteered to take us to Brussels, were just before discussing leaving their homecountry for a longer period. THe guy was ready to go and surf and explore somewhere in brasil or similar, but he also liked her girlfriend who wanted to stay. A dilemma. So we gave them some insights of our purpose and shared the possibility to follow your dream.

    All the people whom we met and all the people we are about to meet - they all have a reason for us. And ofcourse we are there for them also for a reason ;D

    World is the place to share~to meet~and to Love.

    800 km through western europe went like shiuhh~

    Goodbye Estonian Thick forests and untouched swamps~ welcome streets and highways.
    Perfect cities and balanced societies.

    Lets wake up from the dream of better tomorrow.
    Lets act now to find or to follow the path. The path of light~

    Steps on the planet Earth