Enese sees on 2revus. See on hoopis teine kui siis, kui kuus kuud tagasi Mehhiko poole lendama hakkasime. Siis lihtsalt j2lgisin, mis juhtub, polnud erilist tunnet...
Praegu on k6hus liblikaid ja p6nevust. Inglid ytlevad, et on uued algused.
eile sattusime kasutatud kauba paradiisi (oi, emale siin meeldiks, ja teistelegi, usun:), korjasime endile viie ja kymne peeso eest pykse ja pluuse ja kampsuneid. M2ng. Oled selline kui tahad olla.
Ainult et kotist tuleb palju kraami minema visata, sest kott pole vahepeal kasvanud. Ja 6nneks on lennukitel ka tonnaazilimiit.
Meil on kingad¡
See teeb nii viisaka tunde enda astumisse, et tore on¡
V2ikeste ja armsate elu asjadega saab l6butseda, saab muutuda.
Oaxaca juust.
Need on mu t2nase p2eva menyys, lemmikud siinselt maalt.
Kas olete kuulnud chia seemnetest... Me leidsime neid siit. Sander teadis, et tegemist on imem6nusate ja muidu yliv6imsate terakestega. Neil lased vee sees endile m6nus limapallike ymber tekitada ja siis ampsad lusikaga. S6dalased pidavat paari lusikat2iega p2evakese v6itlust vastu pidama... ja saab yletada k6rbeidki..
Need seemned on siitmaalt, hispaaniaste tulekuga eemale t6ugatud (eks see kaval vallutusplaan ole, et v6etakse kohalikud v2etaimed k2est 2ra, nagu amarantigagi tehti) ja praegu kohalikele ysna tundmatud. Meil joppas, et yhest naturista ja soya poest leidsime nad. Head teekaaslased.
Ehk j6uavad nad kunagi ka Eestimaale, kui mitte teiste, siis meie kaudu yhel heal p2eval. Niiet hoidke p8idlad pihus ja s88ge rohelist sibulat seniajani¡
Hea uudis on ka see, et google translator on eesti keeleski saadaval: http://translate.google.com/
Tundub, et eestlaste n2ol on tegemist parajate arvutifriikidega. Meil on pimedad 88d ja pikad talved.., j6uab tegeleda selliste asjadega. Mehhikos muudkui p2ike paistab, siin inimesed on rohkem v2ljas ja teistega koos.. Ega kui meil Eestis suvi on, siis keegi eriti t6sist t88d teha ei m6ista... kujuta ette, et siin on suvi kogu aeg...:P
Ja kui meid endeid vaadata, siis vahest kui arvuti juurde satume, on ikka asju, mida asjatada. Arvuti on ikka hea s6ber, mitte vaenlane:)
Viis Tiibetlast - harjutused, mida v6id lahkelt enda juurde lubada. Raamat on olemas eestikeeles ja allpool leiad video, kus on n2ha, kuis neid harjutusi teha saab. P.S. Ookean pole harjutuste edukaks sooritamiseks vajalik, kuid aegajalt on hea end veega puhastada ikka, just nii, kuis k2ttesaadav on¡
Nendega on nii, et alustad kolmest kordusest ja iga n2dal teed kaks rohkem. Teed, kuni j6uad 21 korduseni. Sinna j22d pidama, see on piisav ja kylluslik¡ Hea toonus ja kerge tunne¡ Maagiline¡
Infot leiab internetist ka, Five Tibetians, inglise keeles.
Lend lend
kanna meid
kanna tuul
kanna muld
olen puu
olen suu
olen muu
sina ju
kanna meid
kanna tuul
kanna muld
olen puu
olen suu
olen muu
sina ju
Just there in between the mountains I found sharpness and simplicity, which is now guiding our road to Canada. The last day here.
Wow, it feels so different from the times we were coming to Mexico, 6 months ago. It feels butterflies inside, it feels excited¡
Angels are saying that there are new beginnings.
Yesterday we walked into a big market, full of second-hand gringo clothes - God bless those americans who are consuming so lot that the left-overs are so plentyful¡ We found new pants and shirts with 5 and 10 pesos... And a warm jumper for the cold (which I am already waiting for...)...., actually it feels so good to be able to wear more clothes than just the lightest shirt... And here is getting a bit too hot as well, it is not so good to be outside during the midday anymore...
Oh, jeah, we can throw away a lots of things now, cause bags are still the same size... and fortunately the plain has its on weight-limits as well ;)
Shoes, we have nice shoes now¡ I guess we can trick them now - they don`t think we are hippies anymore...
Those small things make such a difference really.
One great thing is that our sleeping bags are also washed now¡ Hooray to Jim who has a washing machine¡
Oaxaca cheese.
They are part of the menu today. Good indeed.
Chia seeds - have you heard about them... They are wonderous, small and big when you give some water to them. Warriours could fight a whole day with just some spoonfulls... and you can cross the deserts...
So, just go and make your body and soul happy with them. In Estonia you might not find them yet, but wait, when we come back we will help those seeds to cross the borders¡
Good news - google translator: http://translate.google.com/ is available in Estonian now as well¡
Go and check it out, it is free¡
Estonians are kind of computer-freaks for sure - they have long and dark nights and winters..., cold weather from time to time.. Here in Mexico people go out and take a taco and a bear..., it is warm all the time... You know Estonian summers - nobody is making serious work in summers..., but imagine, here it is always as summer....:P
We get along good with the computers as well.
Only sometimes they are not around so much...
Have you heard about 5 tibetians - the exercises - you can start doing those now, they really are simple and easy, but they work inside and outside, they are like chia seeds :) And I started with them just now.
Take a look:
There is a lot of material in the web..and in the books as well.
Take yourself into your own hands and make a change into your daily routine¡
All the things we know good, we have practised...:)
By the way, the ocean is not neccessary there to be successful, though, cleaning yourself with the water from time to time - yeah, you want to do this¡
So, you start with 3 repetitions with each exercise. With every week you add 2 times. And you get to 21 and stay there. This is enough. This is magical.
Try it out¡
Wow, it feels so different from the times we were coming to Mexico, 6 months ago. It feels butterflies inside, it feels excited¡
Angels are saying that there are new beginnings.
Yesterday we walked into a big market, full of second-hand gringo clothes - God bless those americans who are consuming so lot that the left-overs are so plentyful¡ We found new pants and shirts with 5 and 10 pesos... And a warm jumper for the cold (which I am already waiting for...)...., actually it feels so good to be able to wear more clothes than just the lightest shirt... And here is getting a bit too hot as well, it is not so good to be outside during the midday anymore...
Oh, jeah, we can throw away a lots of things now, cause bags are still the same size... and fortunately the plain has its on weight-limits as well ;)
Shoes, we have nice shoes now¡ I guess we can trick them now - they don`t think we are hippies anymore...
Those small things make such a difference really.
One great thing is that our sleeping bags are also washed now¡ Hooray to Jim who has a washing machine¡
Oaxaca cheese.
They are part of the menu today. Good indeed.
Chia seeds - have you heard about them... They are wonderous, small and big when you give some water to them. Warriours could fight a whole day with just some spoonfulls... and you can cross the deserts...
So, just go and make your body and soul happy with them. In Estonia you might not find them yet, but wait, when we come back we will help those seeds to cross the borders¡
Good news - google translator: http://translate.google.com/ is available in Estonian now as well¡
Go and check it out, it is free¡
Estonians are kind of computer-freaks for sure - they have long and dark nights and winters..., cold weather from time to time.. Here in Mexico people go out and take a taco and a bear..., it is warm all the time... You know Estonian summers - nobody is making serious work in summers..., but imagine, here it is always as summer....:P
We get along good with the computers as well.
Only sometimes they are not around so much...
Have you heard about 5 tibetians - the exercises - you can start doing those now, they really are simple and easy, but they work inside and outside, they are like chia seeds :) And I started with them just now.
Take a look:
There is a lot of material in the web..and in the books as well.
Take yourself into your own hands and make a change into your daily routine¡
All the things we know good, we have practised...:)
By the way, the ocean is not neccessary there to be successful, though, cleaning yourself with the water from time to time - yeah, you want to do this¡
So, you start with 3 repetitions with each exercise. With every week you add 2 times. And you get to 21 and stay there. This is enough. This is magical.
Try it out¡
Wing wing
carry us
be the sky
we fly
carry us
be the sky
we fly
5 harjutust tegid hingamise kergemaks küll, nüüd vaja võtta i g a päev teha! tänan viitamast ja juhatamast.
"Ma keerlen, käsi taeva poole, ja keerlen. Ma keerlen, käsi maa poole, ja keerlen. Taevas keerleb minu kohal. Maa keerleb minu all. Sinu tarkus on sinu luupeksetes ja sinu luupeksed mõtlevad väga sügavalt."
/Härra Ibrahim ja Koraani õied. E-E.Schmitt/
Yks n2dal on nyyd tehtud ja tuleb uus korduste arv. On kohe p6nevus, et mis tundega juhtub. Tunne kasvab.
Nii hea, kui oled inspireeritud,
mina siin ka!
Ja luupeksed, tundub, et nemad teavad kyll!
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