We have been living in Justin`s Mom`s place for a week now. Friday again. First week in Canada.
we have had free time during the days, when everybody is at work. And free time during the nights when everybody is asleep. It seems that we like the times when we are on our own,
listening to the music we find good for us, watching some movies we have never seen, but it seems we have something to learn from them...
It seems like boring,
for my new passport to arrive to Montreal...
this is what our brains are talking sometimes. They say that, hey guys, what are you tossing here! Cammon` start moving, doing, going!
but what? Where?
We got a letter from a local guy who found our blog and got excited and contacted us to maybe meet, learn, share. He is from the Rainbow Family. This feeling..., this is just great to see that our writing here has something from us, it can touch the people, it can move the World in a small scale. That is all.
And do we meet or not, it doesn`t matter anymore, cause I got the feeling!
It is a lesson to learn, how to wait. How to be in peace if I don`t have even any clue what is going to happen with me soon. To drop the plans which I try to make in my mind. Even forget that I have to create a plan what do I want to do with my life in the World.
Plans are just boxes I try to put myself in. But those boxer are smaller than I am. I am the Universe. Why do I want to fit myself somewhere where I actually don`t fit?!
Why do I have to search for a perfect place for me?
I am perfect without boxes and ideal places. I am perfect everywhere!
My life is Here,
just in this moment with You,
in this breathing.
There is no plans I have to make,
I just have to trust myself, intuition,
to wait sometimes and to act efficently if I know what I have to do. There is no need for rushing when I don`t know really where to rush and why... Only when the sky is clear I can see the stars. Yes, they are there even if it is cloudy,
but there is no need to set the course on your sailboat on a cloudy weather when you really don`t know where is the Northern Star.
I saw the sky here, during the nighttime. Suur Vanker.
I just need 5 minutes to sing and stand under the stars, people around me can do their things meanwhile. I just step out from the car and look up. Feel here.
Inspiration. I am fullfilled and inspired!
Thank You Mother Earth for providing all those different places on the Earth for us to experience and feel! We can go and choose a place what is supportive for us, choose a place where to learn what it means when it is warm all the time. And what it means when it is cold all the time.
All here.
Go out and be with You!
Be with everything there is!
Appreciate the Beings you have around,
share this life, share yourself, create space.
Thank You!
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