There I was, opening myself and my voice, releasing fear and listening to Her, who is aware of energywork and that's why her explanations made so much sense for me. Breathing and reaching the sky trough the earth - this is how voice goes when it has strength. 15 minutes passed by so fast, but I learned a lot.
Then I was in saxophone lesson too, without my own instrument. But the teacher was reminding me how important is to be relaxed and have a straight and normal position, not to be twisted or feeling pain here or there... It all starts with simple things - noticing your body and your breathing.
I was lucky to meet with those teachers. There is so many ways to learn and teach. I have seen different sides of it and life shows eventually what is healthy and what is sustainable.
My heart felt just so happy while being around music again.
When I return here, I might go and volunteer in music therapy, or play piano in elders care homes. To bring light and joy to them.
What about Anarchist Bookfair - people wear a lot of black. They are sometimes dirtier than "normal" people. They also have thoughts about how to rebel and act against something. It can be freedom and it can be a trap. I got tired. Also I got a book about plants in here - about their edibility and medicinal properties.
As long as there is groundedness, it is possible to go trough the shadows, carrying light.
I saw a native woman who is really fierce about 2010 Oympics here. People are loosing jobs because of that, people are losing land... and all this activity around olympic games opens the old wounds too... that First Nation's have lost their land...and white people take it for granted, take the resources and fine art of the Natives...and use it to show it all from a fancy and glimmery side. It is very controversial. Homeless people from Vancouver are sent to Vancouver Island..., to Victoria, just because Vancouver has to look "nice". It makes me wonder.... what is real and what are we showed is real.
When I see pictures and commercial about Olympics, it all seems so nice. Even too nice. Cause I see something else too. People behind that. And all this money comes from somewhere. Somebody is being exploited. Maybe the Land. Mother Earth. And those people who want to live with the Nature.
Natives have lost lots of their pride and vision and growth. Alcohol kills their dreams. They become numb. And this is how they can be ruled. This is how we can be ruled. Almost everybody drinks alcohol...cause it is not as bad as drugs... and smoking. It is normal to drink alcohol!
I doubt about that.
Alcohol makes you forget.
Forget who you are.
Forget what are you dreaming of.
Forget why are you living.
Forget what you love and thrive for.
Forget your growth.
You loose your vision.
Wood in you is your growth, your purpose. And it is your vision. Liver is connected with the element Wood. Alcohol affects liver. People wear glasses cause they have lost sight. There is something they cannot see. They do not express themselves through creativity.
When was the last time you created something?
Imagine yourself as a tree. Seed knows already what kind of tree will come out of it. Branches reach toward Light, to the Sky. Roots reach into the Earth. Tree wants to be strong in the winds. Tree wants to grow, flower and fruit and then let it all go... and start all over again.
Find your growth and direction.
How do you see yourself when you are old?
What will be around you when 10 years have passed by?
Just hug a tree and listen to the water in the tree.
Listen to the growth.
Listen to the silence.
Thank YOU for listening.
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