
01 May 2009


Despite all the great and important things happening here and in the World around,
we just sat down in a street, eating muffins (cause we just read that it is not good to eat while standing).
Just sitting.
Just watching.
Then I realized that all those different people give me different feelings, pictures inside of me.
We imagined what kind of lives
those people are having..., how messy are their bedrooms,
what kind of borders they have in their minds,
how they communicate with the people around them...

One guy came with a good old-school bycyle. He didn't lock the bike. He went inside the shop,
he came out with a 20 dollars and went upstairs to get some change...,
he came down again, went into a shop again
and then came out, sat down just there and removed the old strings from the shoes,
replaced them with a new ones.
All this looked so light and funny!
Then this guy offered a smoke to a older guy who passed by,
so we guessed he has to be local...
And then he smoked a sigarette,
slowly, with elegance, with space..

Then he started to talk to us,
cause he thought he heard some german..., yeah, we were talking in Estonian.
He came near to us
and said that we are nice there, sitting on the street, watching people.
We said that he is a nice guy to look at.. :)

He said he left his bycycle unlocked cause he trusted us there..., that we will look over it.
So, he sat next to us, we gave him a muffin as well.
We shared the moment,
same understanding,
space of not having a work to do..
He said he have thought about what to do in life last 3 years. Just a month ago he found out that he wants to change the world from within, not through protests and fights on the streets and in the minds... He decided to start studying law, so he can be the one and free lawer, outside of the system. He will study the world and then he knows how is it working and then he can be free from it! :)

I guess we have to make a face that we are normal as well.
As we are sitting somewhere,
people do not know what kind of life we have, cause they do not really watch and see...,
so we look normal :)

Sander asked from me - do I have to study how to be a busy-nessman then?

What I know now
is that
I will follow the road of love,
follow people who are close to heart,
who are ready to be open and easy in this life.

Nice view's have to be inside, then they can be outside as well.

Maybe somebody can help us to buy a ticket to the another planet where there is room go and say nothing,
room for following intuition and strange moments,
which are stopping usual road of busy-ness.

Theories are nice to have around,
but when they are not alive,
then they are worse than stupid people.
Just love,
just love,
just love.

That is all I ask from myself,
from You.

And if you have a shirt with words: LOVE. PEACE. PARTY. ,
then you better mean it!

I am not listening to empty words anymore.

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Steps on the planet Earth