Langevas lumehelveste vahel leian tee kodupoole. Sel päeval laulsin ma mikrofoni sisse, mis lebas punasel sametpadjal. Minu laul hakkas oma elu elama. See kõike esimene Leiulaul.
Tuli juurde Kessu kitarrimängu mitmes kihis.
Uus on selline kogemus. Ja parem on vähem arvata kõigest sellest.
Kuid peab ütlema, et Pirital seal segasumma-talvilas oli mõnus juua teed ja kogeda seda protsessi, et minuni kord tulnud lugu saab hoopis uue tajumise mu enese sisse ja välja.
Soe ahi. Soojad südamed.
Väsinud on ka hea olla. Pugeda õhtul põhku ja unustada kõik see, mida pole vaja endaga kaasas kanda järgmisse päeva.
On kunst ikka edasi liikuda ja õppida ja tahta areneda ning olla kindel selles, mis tegemine on käsil. Palju arvamisi hõljub ilmas ringi. Tehtud saab see, mida on tahtmist teha.
Igastahes olen õnnelik, et see elu nõndamoodi kulgeb,
et saab laulda ja saab ka ülikooli õppima esmaspäeval minna ning ahju alla tuld teha ja jääs merd näha. Solarise toidupoes kohtab nii ülemisi naabreid kui ammu trehvamata sõpru. Tallinn on ka väike kogukond.
Niimoodi mulle meeldib küll.
Küll te siis varsti kuulete. Ja suurema soovi korral
palun küsida!
30 January 2010
20 January 2010
About the Miracles
I told to myself that when I do get into Masters studies of technical physics in Tallinn Technical University it will be a miracle. On the last day before the math-physics test, I didn't feel like studying anymore. My body told me not to.
My mind mind screaming - "You need to study this and that and this and that, cause otherwise you won't do the test! There is so much you do not know anything about!"
I was listening to those voices and I had to decide. Well, it is hard to ignore the body when I have worked on listening to it more and more in my life lately. But I still remembered how it felt when I was in Tartu University, studying for the tests - I could force myself to study more (although even at this time I was nothing compared with some of my roommates... I usually ended up putting materials under the pillow and getting a nice rest... or going out for an adventure (winter-swimming or such..))...
Anyhow, in the middle of this conversation in my head I decided that I will surrender now.
"I choose to trust the Universe and everything it includes! When I have to get in, I will!"
A voice in me was actually saying that I do not need to study more... that I know enough.
I went to bed.
The Test.
Yes, I saw that it was about the same as last year. I didn't know everything. I did my best though.
Mr. Suurvarik took a look on it when the time was over and he said: "Well, why haven't you finished this and didn't you know that .... , but your result is not zero and as you see you are the only one doing it - you will get in! What will be your subject then?"
I left the room, being calm and polite. And when I got into the toilet I jumped up-and-down from happiness! It felt like being released under the pressure and that I am able to do things like this!
And as I promised myself - I have to believe in Miracles. Again. And again.
(It is easy to look back and say that it was no miracle... that there wasn't anything hard at all... but I gave a promise, so I will keep it. And this is how the world is - stands upon love and is bigger than we think it is.)
Well, I am now heading towards studying oceanography and being a specialist in University of Tartu and getting back on track with the research group of Marine Optics.
White curtains are ruling my room now and finally I can unpack myself after all this travel time.
Though, new horizons still invite me and I will just find another form to travel and visit friends.
And as I am more and more having a home to come and visit, I will be delighted to invite you over!
My mind mind screaming - "You need to study this and that and this and that, cause otherwise you won't do the test! There is so much you do not know anything about!"
I was listening to those voices and I had to decide. Well, it is hard to ignore the body when I have worked on listening to it more and more in my life lately. But I still remembered how it felt when I was in Tartu University, studying for the tests - I could force myself to study more (although even at this time I was nothing compared with some of my roommates... I usually ended up putting materials under the pillow and getting a nice rest... or going out for an adventure (winter-swimming or such..))...
Anyhow, in the middle of this conversation in my head I decided that I will surrender now.
"I choose to trust the Universe and everything it includes! When I have to get in, I will!"
A voice in me was actually saying that I do not need to study more... that I know enough.
I went to bed.
The Test.
Yes, I saw that it was about the same as last year. I didn't know everything. I did my best though.
Mr. Suurvarik took a look on it when the time was over and he said: "Well, why haven't you finished this and didn't you know that .... , but your result is not zero and as you see you are the only one doing it - you will get in! What will be your subject then?"
I left the room, being calm and polite. And when I got into the toilet I jumped up-and-down from happiness! It felt like being released under the pressure and that I am able to do things like this!
And as I promised myself - I have to believe in Miracles. Again. And again.
(It is easy to look back and say that it was no miracle... that there wasn't anything hard at all... but I gave a promise, so I will keep it. And this is how the world is - stands upon love and is bigger than we think it is.)
Well, I am now heading towards studying oceanography and being a specialist in University of Tartu and getting back on track with the research group of Marine Optics.
White curtains are ruling my room now and finally I can unpack myself after all this travel time.
Though, new horizons still invite me and I will just find another form to travel and visit friends.
And as I am more and more having a home to come and visit, I will be delighted to invite you over!
16 January 2010
Newtoni III Seadus ja Ideokineesia
Igasugune mõju on samal ajal ka vastastikmõju.
Vastastikmõjus olevad kaks keha mõjutavad teineteist moodulilt võrdsete ja suunalt vastupidiste jõududega, mis on rakendatud kummalegi kehale. See tähendab, et jõu järgi saab keha otsida - kui on keha, on ka jõud.
Newtoni III seadus on aluseks jõudude otsimisel ja selle järgi keha otsimisel. See on tähtis asjaolu, sest inimene otsib vähemalt pool ärkveloleku ajast kehi, mida ta arvab endal vaja minevat.
Miinide otsimine.
Kehade otsimine kosmoses.
Inseneri praktikas kehade purunemise põhjuste otsimine.
Toidu otsimine.
Paarilise otsimine.
Mööbli otsimine.
Tegevuse otsimine.
(põhiline osa teooriast leitud Arvo Mere konspektist)
Newtoni III seadus - vastastikmõju seadus.
Füüsika tõestab oma sügavat olemust ja äärmist põnevust.
Mõelda vaid - külmkapp mõjutab enda all olevat pinda jõuga, mis on võrdne ta massi ja raskuskiirenduse korrutisega ning siis omakorda mõjutab külmkappi alt ülespoole teine jõud, mis on võrdne külmkapi jõuga, kuid mida me ei näe kui teist külmkappi, vaid see jõud on peidetud nt. põrandalaudadesse ja maja konstruktsiooni.
Samamoodi kui meie avaldame jõudu pinnale, kus viibime, mõjub meile vastujõud, mida tajuma hakates võime saada teadlikumaks oma tasakaalust ja oma kergusest. Sest need vastassuunalised jõud on alati tasakaalus ja seega on meie loomulik olek Maal viibides olla samuti tasakaalus. Katsugem see teadmine panna praktikasse ja avastada endite loomuomane sirgus, kergus ja harmoonia!
Sellest kõigest räägib ja tegeleb IDEOKINEESIA.
Võin omast kogemusest öelda, et vastavate harjutuste tegemise mõju on kehale täiesti tunda. Näiteks jalad hakkavad ise kõndima ja käed-õlad ärkavad elule ja kergusele, selg sirgeneb ja muutub paindlikumaks. See toimib visualiseerimise ja peentaju abil. Maagia muidugi. Aga just samapalju ka lihtsalt füüsika.
"Ideokinesis is the process of using mental imagery to affect the body’s postural alignment in order to bring it into greater equilibrium."
Minu jaoks igastahes läks toas tuli põlema, kui füüsikat õppides taipasin, et tegelen sama asjaga, mis KehaMeeleKoolis trennis käes. Teooria ja praktika kohtuvad ning sünkroonses 2010-ajas juhtuvad imed ja harmoonia valitseb ruumi ja aega.
Niimoodi on küll ikka õnn elada.
Salapärane surin ja erutus on sisenenud mu kehasse, kui õpin füüsikat, kuulan Arvo Pärt'i "Für Alina" plaati, tajun köetud ahjust hõõguvat soojuskiirgust ning kuulen akna tagant harva mööda sõitvaid autosid. Jõulutuled põlevad riiuli küljes ja kass Kristo sahistab aeg-ajalt kott-toolis. Mu voodi on rulli keeratult diivani peal ja pool keha on mässitud kaamlivillasesse tekki.
See on minu jaoks uus Luise-tänava idüll.
15 January 2010
Still A Traveller
When I find myself in the middle of introduction-round and it is my time to say who am I and what am I doing, I say my name and then comes a pause.
What am I doing?
I am not in the school yet, I am not working, I haven't worked recently, I haven't done a lot of "normal" things for a long time...
Then it comes up that I spent my last year away from Estonia.
Where were you then?
And here it starts.
I observe my words and I see that there are some sentences which have proven to be useful in different occasions. Sometimes I have to say more, but I have found couple of words to say my stories short. Mexico was about living outdoors on the ocean shore and riding with horses... and another half of the year I was in Canada, fixing a sailing boat and then sailing and being on the islands...
Now I am back.
I have life here.
I have lived all the time by the way.
And although being a traveller seems like fairy-tale, there are magical things actually happening everywhere. Maybe being a traveller means to people that there is freedom to feel and interesting places and situations to see..... Then I am still a traveller.
It opens some doors to me.
It allows me to be calm even if I haven't had my own bed for 3 months already. I have kind of moved into a house where other people do still live too, a cat as well. And my clothes are just on a pile in one corner. This is a new experience - to see that there is a mess, but there is not much to really do about it.
I allow it to be there, cause it is new for me! I am waiting for the right time to come. It will.
Trees are covered with sugar(snow)coating and they look delicious. I can't take my eyes off from them. Small warm houses are filled with people who all have their life stories to live and share.
Candles can be lit and every day there is more light to see.
I am free.
Free to love life.
Take a next breath.
Let it out.
Once again.
And again.
This is what you have,
as long as you are alive on the Earth.
What am I doing?
I am not in the school yet, I am not working, I haven't worked recently, I haven't done a lot of "normal" things for a long time...
Then it comes up that I spent my last year away from Estonia.
Where were you then?
And here it starts.
I observe my words and I see that there are some sentences which have proven to be useful in different occasions. Sometimes I have to say more, but I have found couple of words to say my stories short. Mexico was about living outdoors on the ocean shore and riding with horses... and another half of the year I was in Canada, fixing a sailing boat and then sailing and being on the islands...
Now I am back.
I have life here.
I have lived all the time by the way.
And although being a traveller seems like fairy-tale, there are magical things actually happening everywhere. Maybe being a traveller means to people that there is freedom to feel and interesting places and situations to see..... Then I am still a traveller.
It opens some doors to me.
It allows me to be calm even if I haven't had my own bed for 3 months already. I have kind of moved into a house where other people do still live too, a cat as well. And my clothes are just on a pile in one corner. This is a new experience - to see that there is a mess, but there is not much to really do about it.
I allow it to be there, cause it is new for me! I am waiting for the right time to come. It will.
Trees are covered with sugar(snow)coating and they look delicious. I can't take my eyes off from them. Small warm houses are filled with people who all have their life stories to live and share.
Candles can be lit and every day there is more light to see.
I am free.
Free to love life.
Take a next breath.
Let it out.
Once again.
And again.
This is what you have,
as long as you are alive on the Earth.
11 January 2010
Valge ruum on südamesoov.
Valge tähendab avarust.
Valge tähendab valgust.
Valge tähendab kergust.
Valge tähendab tühjust.
Valge tähendab täiust.
Valge tähendab puhtust.
Valge tähendab siirust.
Valge tähendab armastust.
Valge tähendab vahetust.
Valge tähendab mõistmist.
Valge tähendab kuulamist.
Valge tähendab jagamist.
Valge tähendab lihtsust.
Valge tähendab tingimatust.
Valge tähendab pitsi.
Valge tähendab lambanahka.
Valge tähendab lendamist.
Valge tähendab mäletamist.
Valge tähendab unustamist.
Valge tähendab vähest.
Valge tähendab paljut.
Valge tähendab ingleid.
Valge tähendab loobumist.
Valge tähendab soojust.
Valge tähendab kargust.
Valge tähendab, et olen Valguse Teel.
Valge ruum on mu sees.
Valge vaip mu talla all.
Valge vaas kapi peal.
Valged karvad kassi turjal.
Valge pitsiline päevavari lambikupliks.
Valge karvamüts külmadeks ilmadeks.
Valge tähendab avarust.
Valge tähendab valgust.
Valge tähendab kergust.
Valge tähendab tühjust.
Valge tähendab täiust.
Valge tähendab puhtust.
Valge tähendab siirust.
Valge tähendab armastust.
Valge tähendab vahetust.
Valge tähendab mõistmist.
Valge tähendab kuulamist.
Valge tähendab jagamist.
Valge tähendab lihtsust.
Valge tähendab tingimatust.
Valge tähendab pitsi.
Valge tähendab lambanahka.
Valge tähendab lendamist.
Valge tähendab mäletamist.
Valge tähendab unustamist.
Valge tähendab vähest.
Valge tähendab paljut.
Valge tähendab ingleid.
Valge tähendab loobumist.
Valge tähendab soojust.
Valge tähendab kargust.
Valge tähendab, et olen Valguse Teel.
Valge ruum on mu sees.
Valge vaip mu talla all.
Valge vaas kapi peal.
Valged karvad kassi turjal.
Valge pitsiline päevavari lambikupliks.
Valge karvamüts külmadeks ilmadeks.
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