This woman, brain researcher learned to know her own brain through a brain stroke. Left and right brain sides have so different tasks for us. Enlightening to see! Check the link!
Stroke of Insight
Train your left body side~
29 October 2009
Choice to Live
Here you are, standing and looking your life. The place you live. Things you eat. Clothes you wear. Things you do. People you go along with.
From a blog:
You are new. Life is still the same. It is your life. World is changing, yes, but it takes its time. Things on Earth are moving slower than our minds and spirits. We have to learn to accept and appreciate that.
We can learn to live in the flow of Tao.
Do not make any decisions based upon rush or fear or unbalance. Wait until you know and act then.
Wait until things come to you, you do not have to put yourself out there so loud...
This is what my experience is teaching me. I am learning to walk. I am falling down and then I am rising again, still in the process of learning to walk. I will succeed when I am ready.
Mistakes are there to be made and to move on.
Thank you for allowing us to share the whole process with you. Do not take me or us so seriously. We are still young citizens of the Earth, no matter for how old our Spirits are.
From a blog:
You are new. Life is still the same. It is your life. World is changing, yes, but it takes its time. Things on Earth are moving slower than our minds and spirits. We have to learn to accept and appreciate that.
We can learn to live in the flow of Tao.
Do not make any decisions based upon rush or fear or unbalance. Wait until you know and act then.
Wait until things come to you, you do not have to put yourself out there so loud...
This is what my experience is teaching me. I am learning to walk. I am falling down and then I am rising again, still in the process of learning to walk. I will succeed when I am ready.
Mistakes are there to be made and to move on.
Thank you for allowing us to share the whole process with you. Do not take me or us so seriously. We are still young citizens of the Earth, no matter for how old our Spirits are.
26 October 2009
Hulgerdamine ehk vabalt öiste hetkede kogemine
Kassitoomel laulavad rebased~
Linna metsikus koosluses eksisteerivad inimesed kõrvuti oma looduga. Õnneks on veel midagi lisaks loodud.
Tooks heaks näiteks rebased.
Nad kalpsavad mängeldes ringi. Kindla peale on neid vähemalt kaks ning inimesed on nende silmis kui liikuvad puud.
Ühel hetkel lendlevad lehtede sahinal mööda rebasepoisid, siis vurab tänavapuhastusmassin vilkurite saatel rämpsu radadel. Muidu hilised jõlkujad~ Valguste ja hoovide vaatlejad. Lugude otsijad ning puude puudutajad. Nad näevad ja märkavad seda mis on muidu olemisele omakorda omane ;D
See hääl mis esmalt meenutas hüsteerilist naist~ metsikut kitse ~ hullunud koera~ paranormaalset nähtust~ osutus rebasepoisi hüüdeks oma mängukaaslasega taaskohtumiseks.
Üles ja alla~ veelkord~ Ring peale~ Alla ~ Üles ~ Otse üle tee~ Alla ~ sabad sirged ja käpad kerged.
Tartus juhtub asju
Toast välja minnes märkad neid~
Tuleb ikka sutsukene tuulduda~
Tuleb selgus südamesse
Linna metsikus koosluses eksisteerivad inimesed kõrvuti oma looduga. Õnneks on veel midagi lisaks loodud.
Tooks heaks näiteks rebased.
Nad kalpsavad mängeldes ringi. Kindla peale on neid vähemalt kaks ning inimesed on nende silmis kui liikuvad puud.
Ühel hetkel lendlevad lehtede sahinal mööda rebasepoisid, siis vurab tänavapuhastusmassin vilkurite saatel rämpsu radadel. Muidu hilised jõlkujad~ Valguste ja hoovide vaatlejad. Lugude otsijad ning puude puudutajad. Nad näevad ja märkavad seda mis on muidu olemisele omakorda omane ;D
See hääl mis esmalt meenutas hüsteerilist naist~ metsikut kitse ~ hullunud koera~ paranormaalset nähtust~ osutus rebasepoisi hüüdeks oma mängukaaslasega taaskohtumiseks.
Üles ja alla~ veelkord~ Ring peale~ Alla ~ Üles ~ Otse üle tee~ Alla ~ sabad sirged ja käpad kerged.
Tartus juhtub asju
Toast välja minnes märkad neid~
Tuleb ikka sutsukene tuulduda~
Tuleb selgus südamesse
21 October 2009
World of Variety
So you think you know something about your life..., you think that you live in the moment and there is a road in front of you to follow.
All of a sudden it all can just dissapear.
There is everything in front of you. Your perspective changes and there is nothing you are sure of anymore.
All the things in your life start talking, all the past and all the future. Letters from here and there, opportunities and ideas, science and music, forest and ocean, healing and painting, politics and project writing, photography and traveling.
Mom tells to curl the hair and find a mate, be around people... They will support me until I find my own way to get the bread to the table... They think how could I use my (brain) capacity the best.
Maybe I am just afraid to loose connection with the path of light and healing, when I step (back) into the world of science, oceanography or biology teacher...
Why am I interested in this then too? Why there is understanding and passion in me about physics and chemistry? Who needs my healing, oceans or people?
Is it possible to do it all together. Is there time?
You, friends from here and there, how are we supposed to be together, to create and share?
All is possible.
Trans-Siberian train, Mongolia, Japan, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Estonia, Scotland, Sweden, Tibet, sailing around the World.
Maybe it is time to shake your world. I must say that it is not easy to be in this place and situation.
Though there is a degree of certain and specific joy in it. It is the end and beginning. Take one and throw another...
I am in love of Estonia now.
Natives we are.
Even peyote plants are growing here.
All of a sudden it all can just dissapear.
There is everything in front of you. Your perspective changes and there is nothing you are sure of anymore.
All the things in your life start talking, all the past and all the future. Letters from here and there, opportunities and ideas, science and music, forest and ocean, healing and painting, politics and project writing, photography and traveling.
Mom tells to curl the hair and find a mate, be around people... They will support me until I find my own way to get the bread to the table... They think how could I use my (brain) capacity the best.
Maybe I am just afraid to loose connection with the path of light and healing, when I step (back) into the world of science, oceanography or biology teacher...
Why am I interested in this then too? Why there is understanding and passion in me about physics and chemistry? Who needs my healing, oceans or people?
Is it possible to do it all together. Is there time?
You, friends from here and there, how are we supposed to be together, to create and share?
All is possible.
Trans-Siberian train, Mongolia, Japan, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska, Estonia, Scotland, Sweden, Tibet, sailing around the World.
Maybe it is time to shake your world. I must say that it is not easy to be in this place and situation.
Though there is a degree of certain and specific joy in it. It is the end and beginning. Take one and throw another...
I am in love of Estonia now.
Natives we are.
Even peyote plants are growing here.
15 October 2009
What is the time? It is Now
Here I write down a question for You.
Siin on küsimus Sulle.
We both ask to give us some feedback about how all this "Semiluuto" has influenced You,
Palume teil anda meile tagasisidet selle kohta kuis "Semiluuto" on Sinu jaoks olemas,
how you feel and think about that,
mida Sa tunned ja mõtled selle kohta,
what is good and what is bad ~
mis on halb ja mis on hea ~
let it all out,
lase kõik välja,
long or short,
pikalt või lühikeselt,
black and white or colourful.
mustvalgelt või värviliselt.
This is how we are going to move on,
Sedamoodi me kasvame ja areneme,
sharing ideas,
jagades ideesid,
sharing lives.
jagades elusid.
Speaking our Truth.
Rääkides oma Tõde.
Maybe something moves in you when you read and then you think that it is not worth mentioning...
but IT IS! You are the One. We all are connected and we can use tool of verbal and written communication to see the world from different angles, to share how we see.
Võibolla midagi liigutub Sinus kui loed... siis aga jätad selle mainimata, sest arvad, et see pole seda väärt... aga tead mis, SEE ON!
Me oleme kõik ühendatud ja meie kasutada on kõneline ja kirjaline suhlemine,
et saaksime maailma näha erinevatest vaatekohtadest,
jagada seda, mida läbi eneste kogeme.
Täname. Olge lahked.
Thank you for your kindness.
And now you can continue with what else came up today... :)
Some things change. Some things do not change.
There is happiness and sadness bound to those realizations. Over it all goes peace. It is observation, it is allowance.
Every morning and every night when I go to sleep I say: "All of Life comes to me with Ease and Joy and Glory!"
This is called manifestation. I have done it for years now. As I look back to my life lived since I started that, I have to say, that it is truth. This is how my life is being created.
I am the Creator of my life. I am learning to listen to my Spirit, to listen to the Universe. It can take different forms and it can be called with different names. Some of those who are on this path, call themselves as yogis, some of them markames, shamans and so on.
I am from a place on Earth, where we do not have wide-known traditions. Estonians are the most irreligional people on the planet... (by Wikipedia) All that gives us a chance to go along with the energetical changes happening in those times of Now. Light is growing stronger and so are shadows. First things I heard about when I came to Estonia were this economical crisis (called MASU over here - new word is even being created!) and loss of jobs and salaries.
My first reaction was that I want to go back there where I just came from - West coast of Canada, beautiful British Columbia, Vancouver Island.
Then I was reminded to be where I am. This is a doorway to inner peace. I went along with my brother who has created a space to live, which is wood-heated and in an old house, made out of wood. This is a yin-apartment, not so much light from outside. But there is not much light out there anyways. Sky is gray and water is falling down in different forms.
Just here, in this sweet and warm cave I am taking my time to rest and give time to the body to adjust with the different time and environment, temperature and food.
The training I used to take part for 3 years, has evolved and moved on. It is called BodyMindSchool (KehaMeeleKool) Gladly there is space for me to go and tap myself in, to wake up some skills which are there in my body-memory and also to go and understand it from another level. This year of being a traveller has taught me something about the World. I am understood there too. Now it is time to move on and create something new. It is all coming.
Marian. There is the Light. Tartu. Estonia.
Friends of my brother and friends of mine are joining together, those who's hearts have directions in common. It is celebration of Life. It is a gift for me here to see how the community awakes and grows and World really comes together.
Sander. Just come along. Tartu. In the Kitchen.
I am supported by various people and their actions around the world. I am sure to find the right information on the right time. Be free to share your insights and inspirations. I see that it is happening every day - that people realize that the answers cannot be found from outside, they are there, inside.
So decide to get to know yourself better and your issues will be solved, step by step.
You are the change you want to see in the world. There is nowhere to push it forward. Look through the illusions and choose what is right for the Heart, not for the mind. Because mind created world is degrading and falling apart. New children are being born who know what they are doing here, they are well connected with their Spirits and as they grow, they are going to build up the societies where the voice of the mind is used wisely, controlled, not controlling.
For those who are somewhere in the middle of this change, things can be challenging and confusing at certain times. It is a lesson to go through, it is there for us to wake up and let go of the things we are trained to think and have and worry about.
It is all about trust and simplicity and freedom.
Freedom to eat well, to live in balance, to have good friends around and to do what is fulfilling and motivating.
So, if you happen to have ask time next time, take a look at your wrist (and jewelery there) and see that the Time Is Now ~
12 October 2009
Lumesajus / In the Rain of Snow
This is how it goes that my mind goes into the mode of "speak Estonian now". Cause this is what the other people do around me.
Still, some things cannot be understood by some of you unless I write them down in English. And also this is the connection with the World I am part of. This language reminds me the time I have been there.
It is here too, the World. It is just different.
Waves of life I have lived here swipe over me. I just have to go along, cause I am water. I dissolve. And still, I am. If I let my heart speak, it is not hard. It is as it is. Game of life, different scenes around.
As I have seen it from aside, it looks new and interesting, it makes more sense. And I make more sense too.
The place and culture space where we grow up, shapes our understanding and view to the World. It gives us like glasses to look through. We see as much the glasses are transparent, maybe coloured, maybe framed...
And then, when we go somewhere else, we see that people are wearing different glasses over there!
Sometimes this gives us a chance to get rid of glasses too. It makes us realize what is what. That everything just IS. Usually we judge and create an opinion. But there is another way too, and this way can be surprising.
And this way has its own steps and turns and mists and stop signs. Still, it goes, changes and moves you and you will never return.
Fire is the same, here or there.
That is why it is so great to lit it over here. To sit with it with my brother in his high-ceiling'ed home. Feeling Estonian life around. Being so with the fire still, that there is no difference in places. I just am. Here.
First sight gives a feeling that life is not so easy in Estonia. That there is not an option to just find things from the streets...., so you have to go and buy. I will see. I am looking for all the other options, manifestation and luck. I have been trained to find what I need. I trust that this will happen here too. Cause maybe there is not much I really need and there is less that I want.
Yes, it is raining snow.
It is raining something white over brown and grey.
And shower is in the corridor...
Still, some things cannot be understood by some of you unless I write them down in English. And also this is the connection with the World I am part of. This language reminds me the time I have been there.
It is here too, the World. It is just different.
Waves of life I have lived here swipe over me. I just have to go along, cause I am water. I dissolve. And still, I am. If I let my heart speak, it is not hard. It is as it is. Game of life, different scenes around.
As I have seen it from aside, it looks new and interesting, it makes more sense. And I make more sense too.
The place and culture space where we grow up, shapes our understanding and view to the World. It gives us like glasses to look through. We see as much the glasses are transparent, maybe coloured, maybe framed...
And then, when we go somewhere else, we see that people are wearing different glasses over there!
Sometimes this gives us a chance to get rid of glasses too. It makes us realize what is what. That everything just IS. Usually we judge and create an opinion. But there is another way too, and this way can be surprising.
And this way has its own steps and turns and mists and stop signs. Still, it goes, changes and moves you and you will never return.
Fire is the same, here or there.
That is why it is so great to lit it over here. To sit with it with my brother in his high-ceiling'ed home. Feeling Estonian life around. Being so with the fire still, that there is no difference in places. I just am. Here.
First sight gives a feeling that life is not so easy in Estonia. That there is not an option to just find things from the streets...., so you have to go and buy. I will see. I am looking for all the other options, manifestation and luck. I have been trained to find what I need. I trust that this will happen here too. Cause maybe there is not much I really need and there is less that I want.
Yes, it is raining snow.
It is raining something white over brown and grey.
And shower is in the corridor...
06 October 2009
Meis kõigis ON We all have IT
I sing goodbye, I am flying~
I love that I am here now. That I know that there will a plane to catch tomorrow. That this is the last full day I have here. I feel epic. I feel beauty. Sun is on the porch and Aubrey slept there - surprise for all of us. Yogi tea and green smoothy.
Anthony Coppings is offering music.
Mother and family plans to pick me up. I decided that I want to get to the countryside on the same evening. To ground. To land.
I feel sad. I feel happy. I feel blessed to experience that all now. To leave a place and people behind, without knowing if I will ever see is so beautiful. I love it in a strange and painful way. This pain is like the pain when you stretch your body - you do it cause you will become more flexible...and the pain goes away too, it vanishes if you let go.
The Ocean is down there, it will always be. Even if I am not here.
I listened to Catherine and Michael, my house-family, mother and son, when we were driving around last night, finding food... and listening to 80's love-rock loudly sometimes. Mount Tolmie gave me a good sight over the city, lights, moon on the water, islands. I am on a tip of the Vancouver Island. This whole perspective to feel that I am on this spot on the Earth, seeing all that around what is here. And then I will be somewhere else, so far...and all what is there, is around me all of a sudden.
What am I? - just a pattern of light, having a form, but still being free from that too. I will fly over the time and oceans, over the rainbows and rainclouds, I will fly towards the sun, towards sunrise.
Goodbye dear land,
land which reminded me much. I am waking up to myself. I am seeing the wonders, places I have dreamed of.
Yeah, I pick my favourite things to take with me, but the most favourite thing - this place and people - I will not take with me. Some things will maybe remind me all that.. that's why whe have things in life. To be part of the world which is outside, to create reality, to protect and guide you, to give you a shape and color...
Farewell my dear ones~ See you later~
Being away from Estonia has helped to create and have all the stories to share with you. And for those who have been in another place, reading them - maybe you have got a feeling about those places I have seen. I hope that I have been a window to another worlds and realities. And it has been a connection with all of you too for me.
Thank you for reading and being there.
I am not going back. I am going forward. This path is being created now.
We will see again when the time comes. This or another life.
Anthony Coppings is offering music.
Mother and family plans to pick me up. I decided that I want to get to the countryside on the same evening. To ground. To land.
I feel sad. I feel happy. I feel blessed to experience that all now. To leave a place and people behind, without knowing if I will ever see is so beautiful. I love it in a strange and painful way. This pain is like the pain when you stretch your body - you do it cause you will become more flexible...and the pain goes away too, it vanishes if you let go.
The Ocean is down there, it will always be. Even if I am not here.
I listened to Catherine and Michael, my house-family, mother and son, when we were driving around last night, finding food... and listening to 80's love-rock loudly sometimes. Mount Tolmie gave me a good sight over the city, lights, moon on the water, islands. I am on a tip of the Vancouver Island. This whole perspective to feel that I am on this spot on the Earth, seeing all that around what is here. And then I will be somewhere else, so far...and all what is there, is around me all of a sudden.
What am I? - just a pattern of light, having a form, but still being free from that too. I will fly over the time and oceans, over the rainbows and rainclouds, I will fly towards the sun, towards sunrise.
Goodbye dear land,
land which reminded me much. I am waking up to myself. I am seeing the wonders, places I have dreamed of.
Yeah, I pick my favourite things to take with me, but the most favourite thing - this place and people - I will not take with me. Some things will maybe remind me all that.. that's why whe have things in life. To be part of the world which is outside, to create reality, to protect and guide you, to give you a shape and color...
Farewell my dear ones~ See you later~
Being away from Estonia has helped to create and have all the stories to share with you. And for those who have been in another place, reading them - maybe you have got a feeling about those places I have seen. I hope that I have been a window to another worlds and realities. And it has been a connection with all of you too for me.
Thank you for reading and being there.
I am not going back. I am going forward. This path is being created now.
We will see again when the time comes. This or another life.
03 October 2009
Give Time
Just now I am learning how to give time to yourself. Weakness and cough came to teach me to slow down even when it seems that there are lots of things to do - like it always seems, when you get closer to travelling, moving, packing... But this movement which is going to take place so soon, will just happen on its right time. And when there are things I have to do before that, I will do them when I will do them. No need to plan so much and think about those things all the time. Waste of time!
And when body is weak, then it is time to do nothing. To surrender to this flow, not to try to fight and be strong and be more than I am at this time. I think this is the sickness of trying to be sucessful and worthy in the eyes of somebody else, in the eyes of the society (we are just trained like that). But actually there are not many people who see further than their own nose. So, it is kind of selfish to think that they all measure you and count all your mistakes and acts - no, they are busy with thinking their own problems. Observe yourself and see how much you know about the emotional states of people around you. Do you really know what is going on with them? Do you know what are their eyes talking about (it is usually different from what comes out of the mouth...)?
It is beautiful to be away from Estonia. Things over there look a bit epic now, some things make more sense and it is easier to observe and be objective. Soviet shadow is still hanging in the ether. Politics and all this game is pretty dirty sometimes. We are technologically developed, but that means also that we are dependant of self-phones... we are waiting for somebody to call to us. And it is hard to have a work when you do not have a self-phone! I was so use to have it too. But now when I have been free from it for a year, I feel so happy and I do not know yet if I want to join the web again.
Not having a phone makes you go and visit your friends when you really want to meet with them. Internet can be handy too, writing e-mails... and arranging meetings. And then when things doesn't take place, you miss the meeting or letter, then you are out there, pursued to use your intuition. You just have to get better on that then! And you certainly will.
Moon is almost full.
Energy is high and nights are light - time to do.
I am finding pleasure on doing things with hands - medicine bag, flute-bag, fixing and improving this and that...writing, making envelopes... I realized that I have to slow down in order to reach the mind-state when I start doing the things I have always thought of doing, those things you like doing, but it usually seems that there is not enough time for it and so you put it aside.
What if you wake up after 20 years and realize that you haven't done those things at all! And all of a sudden you are getting older and you see that there is less time left than you have lived already!
Actually, you will never know (unless you listen to your intuition well ;) when is your time to leave.
So, better start living your dream right away!
And when body is weak, then it is time to do nothing. To surrender to this flow, not to try to fight and be strong and be more than I am at this time. I think this is the sickness of trying to be sucessful and worthy in the eyes of somebody else, in the eyes of the society (we are just trained like that). But actually there are not many people who see further than their own nose. So, it is kind of selfish to think that they all measure you and count all your mistakes and acts - no, they are busy with thinking their own problems. Observe yourself and see how much you know about the emotional states of people around you. Do you really know what is going on with them? Do you know what are their eyes talking about (it is usually different from what comes out of the mouth...)?
It is beautiful to be away from Estonia. Things over there look a bit epic now, some things make more sense and it is easier to observe and be objective. Soviet shadow is still hanging in the ether. Politics and all this game is pretty dirty sometimes. We are technologically developed, but that means also that we are dependant of self-phones... we are waiting for somebody to call to us. And it is hard to have a work when you do not have a self-phone! I was so use to have it too. But now when I have been free from it for a year, I feel so happy and I do not know yet if I want to join the web again.
Not having a phone makes you go and visit your friends when you really want to meet with them. Internet can be handy too, writing e-mails... and arranging meetings. And then when things doesn't take place, you miss the meeting or letter, then you are out there, pursued to use your intuition. You just have to get better on that then! And you certainly will.
Moon is almost full.
Energy is high and nights are light - time to do.
I am finding pleasure on doing things with hands - medicine bag, flute-bag, fixing and improving this and that...writing, making envelopes... I realized that I have to slow down in order to reach the mind-state when I start doing the things I have always thought of doing, those things you like doing, but it usually seems that there is not enough time for it and so you put it aside.
What if you wake up after 20 years and realize that you haven't done those things at all! And all of a sudden you are getting older and you see that there is less time left than you have lived already!
Actually, you will never know (unless you listen to your intuition well ;) when is your time to leave.
So, better start living your dream right away!
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